Please enjoy my recent debate part 2 of II that I conducted with John Cymerman, an old high school friend and fellow chess player. I am defending Anarcho-Capitalism and he is defending Direct Democracy or the necessity of “government” itself. Herein we discussed without laws would you murder people, morality vs. legality, what is the purpose of man-made law, was post Hurricane Katrina New Orleans an example of Anarchy, The Prohibition Laws of the 1920s, victimless crimes, are drunk driving laws good preventative laws and who do they truly hurt, the golden mean fallacy, taking moral responsibility, bankrupt companies should bear the burden of their own faulty decisions, the anarchy that surrounds us and is ignored, the role of guns in the reduction of crime, is it human nature or human conditioning, the fear of government returning in a stateless society, what is civilization, sovereign immunity, perverting the laws of morality, the broken window fallacy, the black and white fallacy, government creates artificial demand for endeavors that the free market would not voluntarily choose to do, is profit evil, for the greater good, is Wal-Mart immoral and much more!
In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.
William Penn