Derrick Broze: Author, Freelance Journalist, and Founder of the Conscious Resistance Network


Please enjoy my recent conversation with Derrick Broze, founder of Conscious Resistance Network. Herein we discussed his journey to Voluntaryism, drug addiction struggles, waking up for multi year stupor, Cannabis: A History, seed of Anarchism, Revolution: A Manifesto, Rule By Secrecy, Jackalope Freedom Festival, the growth of the State is the loss of individual freedom, the power of spontaneous order, his experience at the Republican National Convention, talking with an Anarcho-Communist, Anarchy without labels, Agorism, origin of The Conscious Resistance book with John Vibes, Jeffrey Tucker’s review, Anarchism and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Freedom Cells and more!


Peaceful Anarchism is covered by a BipCot NoGov license; learn more at

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Internal Links:

Alma Sommer: Founder of Jackalope Freedom Festival and Undocumented Human

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 58: Alma Sommer, Founder of Jackalope Freedom Festival

Jeffrey Tucker: Voluntaryist, Bitcoin advocate, and Founder of

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 47- Jeffrey Tucker, Founder of Liberty-me

Roman Van Ree: Co-Founder of Project Demos and Statism Exposed

Mitchell Wiecek: Voluntaryist, Agorist, Graphic Artist, Founder of Agoristball

Paqui Romero and Emil: Voluntaryists, Anarchists, Agorists, and Illustrators


External Links:

The Conscious Resistance Network website

The Conscious Resistance Network YouTube channel

Freedom Cells website

Derrick Broze blog

Activist Post website

Jackalope Freedom Festival

John Vibes


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Christopher Ortega: Voluntaryist and Guitarist/Vocalist of Aztec Death


Please enjoy my recent conversation with Christopher Ortega, guitarist and vocalist of Aztec Death. Herein we discussed his journey to Voluntaryism, Murray Rothbard, Anatomy of the State, Albert Jay Nock, Atlas Shrugged, Stefan Molyneux, Larken Rose, Ron Paul, my journey, peaceful parenting, Passengers One lyrics, Abolitionist dinner conversations in the 19th century, peaceful exchange of ideas, how was the US “government” formed, the Constitution, Lysander Spooner, Adam Kokesh, the State is a state of mind, Dale Brown, Detroit Threat Management Center, private security agency incentives, Helpful Hands lyrics, military, order followers, the State is the real terrorist threat, being an auto-didact, government school, opportunity cost, implied government school lessons, truancy laws, diffusion of responsibility, raising kids and natural consequences, Non Aggressive Parenting podcast, Aztec Death whistle, Hegelian Dialectic and more!


“It isn’t a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state’s goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government’s propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They’ll fasten the chains to their own ankles.” ― Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.


Peaceful Anarchism is covered by a BipCot NoGov license; learn more at

Support Peaceful Anarchism via Patreon

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Internal Links:

Dale Brown: Founder of VIPERS Detroit Threat Management Center, Private Security Agency

Eric July: Voluntaryist, Christian Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper

Eric July: Statism Music Video with Craig Mabbitt, Conscious Rapper and Heavy Metal Vocalist

Marc Malone: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Vocalist/Guitarist in Torous rock band

Mason Moore: Voluntaryist Rapper and Liberty Lover

Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper, Freedom Fighter, and The Banksters

Blooded The Brave – Man Down Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper Discussing Man Down music video and Alternatives To Police

Blooded The Brave: Conscious Rapper, Not A Game music video, and Drone Warfare


External Links:

The Social Contract: Defined and Destroyed in 5 minutes

Kal Molinet YouTube channel – Liberate RVA

Michael Shanklin – Political Cure

Michael Shanklin – Voluntary Virtues

Larken Rose website

Larken Rose YouTube channel

Stefan Molyneux YouTube channel

Adam Kokesh – FREEDOM

Detroit Threat Management Center

Aztec Death Whistle


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Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 79: Pull the Plug, It’s Dead


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Lou Feen of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein we discussed how Danilo’s departure was like a slow moving break up, Lou’s food service, the wonders of bacon, quitting smoking, the inexplicable turn of Ron Paul supporters shifting towards Trump, why it doesn’t matter who is selected, PTSD, the infeasibility of an invasion of the USSA mainland, and more!

True Freedom is the Ability to be Racist, Sexist, and a Bigot


True freedom is the individual’s ability to act freely without infringing on the natural negative rights on another human being. Natural negative rights are the rights to not be robbed, assaulted, raped, or murdered. Fundamentally these negative rights are all derived from self ownership and property rights. Inherent in this is the right to associate or dissociate from whomever one wishes. We discriminate all the time when we choose who to befriend, who to date, who to marry, which businesses to patronize etc. Inherent in all these decisions is the concept of opportunity costs, which are those options that were not chosen because one decision was made. Such a decision could be made on the basis of whatever justification the person had in mind.

The fundamental ideas of Racism, Sexism, or Bigotry are based off of everyone’s right to associate or dissociate from whomever for whatever reason. There is no inherent immorality in the idea of dissociation or exclusion. Just as this right is inherent in the individual, it is inherent in the business that individual manages. Every good or service is produced by the labor of an individual. No one is entitled to the labor of another for that would constitute the very quintessence of slavery.

Voluntaryism is a descriptive philosophy rather than a prescriptive philosophy. It only describes the very basic skeletal structure of how not to act. It does not describe what is wisdom, how to gain knowledge, or how to make new friends. For this reason, although one may be a bigot and simultaneously be a Voluntaryist it is not advisable. One would rapidly encounter other incensed individuals around him that would use their right to peacefully dissociate through economic ostracism and boycotting. By these methods the Free Market will organically weed out and extirpate undesirable behavior. Humanity is on a one way relentless march of ethical and moral progress.  Statism is a decrepit and collapsing dinosaur that is relic of our barbaric past. It is time to slough it off, never to return.