Public Schools and the Destruction of Unseen Achievements

Here is my most recent article published in the Daily Anarchist on government schools. When assessing whether something is moral or not, an important consideration is whether that thing is forced or voluntary. When the option is placing your children in a subpar government indoctrination camp that is “free” but paid for by extortion (taxation) or forfeiting your currency by extortion (taxation) and paying for a private school on top of that, which one do you think is the easiest choice for most parents? Nothing is free! If there are people working and resources being used there is a cost! We must discover what that cost is and whether it is voluntary or forced. Good ideas do not need force!


Chopping Block EducationPublic Schools and the Destruction of Unseen Achievements

I’ve concluded that genius is as common as dirt. We suppress genius because we haven’t yet figured out how to manage a population of educated men and women. The solution, I think, is simple and glorious. Let them manage themselves.

John Taylor Gatto

Just do good things.


Geographical Brain Drain and Ancient Roman Currency Debasement

We have all heard about the rumors of an impending “Economic Collapse” or “Collapse of the Dollar”. Although this is true as it has happened many times throughout history, the descriptive wording implies that it is a doomsday scenario where all will suffer. This is not entirely accurate. Some will suffer and some will prosper. All this depends on where one is physically and how well prepared one is financially or otherwise for such an event. For these reasons a better description for such an event is a “Wealth Transfer”. Wealth, like matter and energy, is never destroyed it is merely transferred. It is your choice whether to have it transferred towards you or away from you. The greatest fortunes have been amassed out of the rubble of economic crisis by enterprising individuals. It has always been about choice.

Brain Drain

I hope you take the time to listen to this wonderful interview. Jeff Berwick discusses Bitcoin and the importance of internationalizing oneself as well as one’s assets in a time when the “wealthy developed”, albeit inescapably drowning in sovereign debt and unfunded liabilities, countries of the world are staging their last desperate attempts at solvency by looting and squeezing the middle class out of every last bit of productivity they have left. It is all too easy to get distracted and depressed with the abundance of so called “doom porn” that infiltrates the Internet. The promulgation of such information does have its place when a people are too complacent, by way of ignorance, with allowing their resident criminal gang, to operate unaccountably through wanton theft and exploitation of their middle class. However once this is established we must seek opportunities to ensure our prosperity and happiness. If this includes leaving a given geographical tax farm (country) and emigrating to another with comparatively greater economic, social, and financial freedoms than that is the choice we must make.


People and their businesses, like water, naturally move from regions of high oppressive pressure to regions of low pressure. This is a natural law of human behavior. A suitable term to describe this behavior is “brain drain”. According to this is defined as “a loss of trained professional personnel to another company, nation etc that offers greater opportunity.” What we are discussing here is geographical brain drain from oppressive geopolitical regimes that are on the verge of collapse. This has happened many times in the past in the regions of Communist China, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany to name a few.

2013 marks a record year for renunciation of citizenship by US taxpayers, exceeding by two-thirds the previous high set in 2011. Since 2006, expatriations have increased tenfold from the US. 630 individuals renounced US citizenship or ended long-term US residency by turning in their green cards during the fourth-quarter. The fourth-quarter figure increased the total number of expatriations for 2013 to 2,999. The previous record was 1,781 in 2011. That’s a staggering 221% increase!

by Jeff Berwick

The ironic part is that the US received many notable minds in the 1930’s and 1940’s that were fleeing Nazi Germany and the surrounding countries they sought to conquer and entering the relatively freer US, whilst in recent years that trend is now in complete reverse. Some of these departing luminaries included “earlier Nobel laureates Erwin Schroedinger (physics, 1933) and Victor Hess (physics, 1936), but also future honorees — like Elias Canetti (literature, 1981), Walter Kohn (chemistry, 1998) and Eric Kandel (physiology and medicine, 2000)”.

This geographical brain drain is what also gave rise to Hollywood in the 1930’s as Eastern European Jews fled Nazi occupied territories to the freer USA. They established Hollywood as the movie making center of North America for that was the place where their varied talents were most appreciated. The laughable result is that persecuted Eastern European Jews would travel across an ocean to sell their version of the “American Dream” to Americans themselves who willing bought the product!

In this podcast Joel describes the lifespan of the Argentine currency as being roughly a decade long, an astonishingly short amount of time, even in fiat currency standards! Historically most fiat currencies last 30-40 years before reverting back to their intrinsic value of zero, regardless of the last ditch efforts that politicians frequently employ to sustain the looting inflation


One notable example is ancient Rome. Currency debasement was a method used by the Roman government to pay for public works and distant wars. The coin of the realm, the denarius, was debased to only 0.02% pure silver and commodity prices soared. Emperor Diocletian enacted draconian price control laws which were meant to stabilize the currency. The failure was epic and legendary. The year was 301 AD and “Diocletian issued an extensive edict fixing the prices for just about all goods and services, including 900 commodities, 130 different grades of labor and a number of freight rates.  The death penalty applied to violations of the edict. Nevertheless, they failed in their purpose. As Lactantius tells us, ‘much blood was then shed over small and cheap items.’ Soon there was nothing for sale and the inflation got worse. Finally, after ‘many had met their deaths, sheer necessity led to repeal of the law.’”


Politicians have for centuries unsuccessfully attempted to thwart the immutable economic laws of supply and demand with their violent edicts and commanding decrees. The results are always the same. The greater the avoidance of the inevitable currency collapse, the greater the Wealth Transfer and the greater the pain of reconstruction. If the people will not learn the dreaded lessons of the past they will be condemned to repeat them ad infinitum. Savage wars will transform into splendid orgies of inter-cultural love making before politicians will ever inform the people of these predictable boom and bust cycles.

Study some real history, not the Disney version of history we were force fed in our government schools. Educate your kin! Present day humanity need not suffer for the ignorant decisions of our forefathers! Proper historical and economic education is more than a means of entertainment. It can mean the difference between a life of back breaking hardship and a life of comfort characteristic of prescient foreknowledge. There is nothing new under the sun. The choice is yours.


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

Ernest Hemingway

Just do good things.


The Gospel According To Government

Advocating for State run societies is saying that humans can only function through violence and coercion. Sure we have evolved from the beasts but we possess the intellect and the ability to self-reflect and reason complex situations, something palpably lacking in other animals. Therefore we are capable of interaction with each other on a much higher level than merely that of violence and aggression. This is the essence of Voluntary Anarchy.

Some advocate for limited government. They are known as Minarchists or Constitutionalists. However they must recognize that this is a magnificent pipe dream illusion. It didn’t even last a few years after the sacred US Constitution was penned onto its magical paper with magical ink. The Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 was signed into “law” under President John Adams in just over a decade after the US Constitution was written. It’s almost an exact replica of today’s Patriot Act and NDAA.

Many US presidents throughout history have destroyed so called “Freedom of Speech”, “Freedom of the Press”, and “Freedom to peacefully assemble” in times of war. Indeed it is said that during times of war the first casualty is truth. Such useless paper documents have never restrained dictators and tyrants. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Communist China all had Constitutions that professed the same “respect” of these freedoms. Did that do anything to change the outcome? Of course not! With at least 422 million dead, the 20th century was the bloodiest the world has ever seen, replete with warfare, mass murder, genocide, politicide, and democide. We must stop looking to pieces of paper to justify or restrain those in power. We must govern ourselves! Recognize no man who claims the “authority” to rule over you! Be your own senator, congressman, governor, mayor, and President!

A violent revolution only necessitates the rise of another violent ruling class. Violence is not the answer. It is absurd to believe that 300 million people need violence to wrest the reins of power from a group of a few hundred sociopaths. They only need to realize their true power as free people and take it. The police and military are part of throng, except that they have been duped into believing in the Statist religion. They must be gently educated that there is a better way and that to protect sociopaths is to ensure the future of our own enslavement. Once they realize this the phantasmagoria erected by the Statist spell will collapse and the old wrinkly twisted men behind the curtains will be revealed for all to see.

There is no such instance that a man can reasonably justify the all encompassing indiscriminate violence of the State. Even if a man openly said he was going to kill another person, it is the right of no one to forcibly subjugate or imprison him just based on his words as this would constitute pre-crime, which can only truly exist in the movie “Minority Report” since the future is both unknown and unknowable. The threat of some bad people to do evil does not justify the trampling of everyone’s sovereign rights and the formation of the parasitic and violent police State. The existence and insanity of a few sociopaths will always be present, regardless of the existence of “law”. Murderers will murder and thieves will steal regardless if there exist “laws” for such things or not. Good people abstain from murder and theft not out of a fear of “laws” that are in place but rather because their conscience and moral compass are intact.

It is not necessary for all 300 million to revolt. It only requires the fiery passion of a few brilliant minds to awaken perhaps 10% of the throng. The rest will follow as the herd always does. When that happens, history will have been made. I never advocate violence be used. That will only get you hurt or killed. Then you will really be useless to the movement. Shake the pillars of “authority” with the power of your words and ideas. It is most important to speak to those in the police and military. They are the protectors of the sociopaths, the bodyguards of genocidal megalomaniacs, and perhaps the largest obstacle to our liberation. I don’t advocate attending protests either as that is where the most violence occurs between police and the people. Speak to your friends and neighbors about what is going on. That is the best way.

Love, like human creativity and ingenuity, can only exist in its purest and most beautiful form in complete freedom. Any infringement on that freedom, however, does not extinguish it; rather it suppresses its manifestation to be inevitably expressed in deeper and darker places. Just like pressure rather than wiping water out of existence just scatters its form; so too central authoritarian governments do not wipe out love and creativity, they only ensure their manifestation in the netherworld part of our society known as the Black Market.

The promise of freedom and liberty is the carrot dangled in front of the citizen for which he is supposed to give up his freedom and liberty to achieve. The irony is profound. In reality it was never something for the politicians to give. The State is one of the greatest fictions. We must recognize it as such. Even when shown that the door is wide open, a thoroughly enslaved man will angrily fight to justify his own prison because the thought of something else existing called freedom is too foreign and horrifying.

The very fact that the 20th century was one riddled with the most deaths due to warfare, democide, politicide, and mass murder in history and the 21st century is starting off with a similar bloody tone is indicative that these concepts are not indeed understood by many people. Most people do not even know they are plagued by the mental illness known as Statism, not to mention being ignorant of the cure. The cure for such a hallucination is simple; reading, self education, non-participation in the system, love, and compassion. The cure is simple. Getting people to understand that they are ill is the most monumentally difficult part. How can you convince a diehard patriotic soldier that by killing foreigners he is not fighting for freedom and democracy but is simply being used as a pawn for the parasitic psychopathic ruling elite, Big Bankers, Big Oil, Big Energy etc?

An extortion racket should be recognized in whatever shape it takes. The fact that we have been extensively indoctrinated to believe in the myth known as the State does not assign any special credence to its application. Theft, assault, and murder must be described as such regardless of the uniform, badge, or pompous ceremony surrounding its appearance.

Once people realize that there is a better way to live they will make their own decisions and do what is most natural. When shown that the door is open, few prisoners would prefer to stay in prison. The illusion must be illustrated and made painfully apparent that there can be no misunderstanding as to what must be done. Again, I don’t think a violent revolution is necessary. Why would 300 million people feel a need to violently revolt against a few hundred sociopaths? All they really need to do is just stop supporting the means to their own enslavement. The house of cards will come crashing down immediately.

Just do good things.


The Truth About Slavery

Stefan Molyneux delivers a brilliant expose of the History of Slavery that is poorly understood by the masses but that has profound implications as to the nature of how we view the State and its relationship with the human condition. We were all taught in government schools that slavery is deeply entwined in racist underpinnings. Upon closer examination we discover that this is just one reason why a society would resort to slavery, albeit a most superficial one. Verily we also discover that slavery was not limited to the blacks either. According to the word “slave” is so called “because Slavs were commonly enslaved in the early Middle Ages”. The Slavic countries included Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, Central Asia, and Northern Asia.

The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present, and Future (Stefan Molyneux bitchute video)


It seems as far back as one is willing to search there is evidence of one dominant group of people enslaving another. It appears in Ancient Greece, Ancient China, Ancient Middle East, Ancient South America, and Ancient Africa. Plato describes the “very rich as owning 50 slaves” Both he and Aristotle assert that “it is human nature which makes the Greeks – a civilized people – enslave the conquered barbarians and other peoples.” The Bible itself does not outright forbid slavery; rather it contains many passages that refer to slavery and the proper methods to treat slaves which include Deuteronomy 15:12-15, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 4:1, Exodus 7-11, Exodus 13:14, Exodus 21:16, Timothy 1:8-10 etc. In its defense, the Bible’s conception of slavery is more akin to that of indentured servitude for repayment of debts or as a matter of social status. This is vastly different to the form of physical slavery we are all aware of which involves the capture and selling of humans against their will i.e. forced migration of people away from their home country.

For at least 14 centuries the Muslim world has been engaged in the Trans-Saharan slave trade which comparatively was far more horrifying and gruesome than the Trans-Atlantic slave trade which supplied human slaves to North America, South America, and parts of Europe. In all 3 continents that the Trans-Atlantic slave trade supplied over the centuries there are significant black communities that have arisen from the descendants of these captured human chattel. This is not the case in the Middle East. One reason for this is that slaves destined for the Middle East were forced to walk across the Sahara desert, a journey that alone killed many of them. The Arab slave hunters would then routinely castrate all African boys between the ages of 8-14 which included surgically removing the penis and scrotum, without anesthesia. This was a grisly surgical procedure after which the boys mostly bled to death or died from infection. If they did grow into adulthood, these eunuchs became more docile and subservient as a result of the procedure. The black females, if they survived the onerous Saharan march, were destined as sex slaves in Arab brothels. If they became pregnant the resulting baby would be killed. Hence there was little way for the descendents of these unfortunate souls to prosper and thrive, not that such a hell was ideal for a community to take root. The Arab slave trade constituted one of the most massive and most ignored genocidal periods in human history; a considerably egregious historical oversight if ever there was one.

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was largely dependent on African slave hunters to capture and transport the victims to the coast where the slave ships were waiting to transport them to their forced migratory destinations. It is curious to note that without the help of the African slave hunters, the Europeans would never have been able to penetrate the African interior rendering the Trans Atlantic slave trade impossible. This is due to the fact that the Europeans would have quickly perished from mosquitoes, large predators, cholera, and other hazards on their way into the African interior.

Once the slaves reached the New World other factors came into play. The early colonial America maintained mostly white slaves, primarily in the form of indentured servants. It was only later; when the Trans Atlantic slave trade came into vogue did the black slave population concomitantly increase to sizeable proportions. Towards the end of the 18th century slaves were being freed on a regular basis so quickly that if it continued unabated every slave would have been freed 2x over by the 1860s when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As it happened the Federal government banned the freeing of slaves in the early 1800s thereby artificially prolonging the institution of slavery. Any slave master found to have freed any slaves during this period would be fined, imprisoned, and likely made a slave himself. This federal support of slavery continued until the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 when the federal government placed a reward for bounty hunters who captured and brought runaway slaves back to their Southern masters. This was largely ineffective as many Northern States were already nullifying this federal law and refusing to enforce it within their borders. Local police were told to not comply with it as well as to defend free black men that were accosted by federal agents or bounty hunters. Thus the sentiment of physically enslaving fellow human beings in the US was dramatically shifting with or without the approval of the Federal Government. It was therefore not the wisdom of the “great” President Lincoln that freed the slaves but the combined efforts of the intrepid abolitionists of the time.

The only two countries on Earth which required an abominable civil war to abolish slavery were the United States and Haiti. All other countries abolished it peacefully and without additional bloodshed. The American Civil War was the bloodiest in our nation’s history up until that point with a combined death toll of 750,000 people. With an approximate US population of 26.7 million people in 1855 that death toll is a considerable percentage of unnecessary and wasted human life, as is the death toll in all wars.

Slavery in early America was an institution that only the super rich could afford as the slaves had to be housed, clothed, fed, and taken care of, to the same extent that a farmer would take of his cattle, not out of love and respect for his cattle’s dignity but so that he may profit from their optimal production. Therefore slavery was not typically practiced by the middle and lower classes as they did not have the means. It was a Fascistic monopoly entirely supported and made possible by the State. Indeed how could a slave master force 20-30 slaves to obey him and not walk away as they most easily could have done? Government enforcers were therefore necessary to capture runaway slaves and bring them back to their rightful owners.

Some have placed misguided blame on the Free Market for the existence of slavery. In reality slavery is far from being a product of the voluntary exchange between peaceful individuals. Rather slavery can only have existed with the help of State subsidies and Crony Capitalistic support. It was an enormous waste of human labor and resources, the cost of which was socialized and absorbed by the State and by extension completely funded by the tax payer. It was just another example of a State subsidized monopolistic entity that achieved unnaturally monstrous proportions by means of the State Fascistic model. This is similar to all the State funded monopolies that exist today which include The Federal Reserve, SIFI Banks/Investment Firms, NFL, Nuclear Energy, Biotech Corporations, Pharmaceutical Corporations, Oil Corporations, Airline Corporations, Military-Industrial Complex, College/University industry etc. The list of industries and corporations funded by the currency extorted at gun point from tax payers is lengthy.



However atrocious the institution of slavery was it must be realized that it was wholly supported and funded by decent people who believed paying one’s taxes and obeying the “law” like a “good citizen” was the epitome of what it meant to live in Western civilization. Without the life blood of tax revenue or currency creation, which is a hidden tax on the people, the State is rendered crippled and impotent. Remove our participation and funding of the system and it will collapse back to the netherworld from whence it emerged. The State has no rightful place in the furtherance of human progress. It is the parasite on the back of man that is slowly growing to obscene proportions at the expense of the industrious and productive sector of society. We are the sleeping lion that need only awaken and scratch off this parasite. It is as easy as saying “I own myself! I am responsible for my destiny! I owe my allegiance to no man!” Just walk away from the sociopaths. Ignore them out existence.

Voluntary Anarchy is for those who practice love, compassion, and sympathy for their fellow men and women. Anarchists did not wage two World Wars! Anarchists did not drop two nuclear bombs on civilian cities! Anarchists did not engage in an American Civil War! Anarchists do not send people to Guantanamo Bay! Anarchists have not enslaved other groups of people for social status, color, or race for time immemorial! Anarchists did not detain Japanese-Americans against their will! Anarchists did not viciously massacre Native Americans and steal their land! Anarchists do not routinely go overseas to murder foreigners in the name of the “War on Terror”! Anarchists do not cowardly send drones to murder foreigners in the name of the “War on Terror! Anarchists did not murder Jews during the Holocaust! Anarchists did not murder Gypsies in Eastern Europe! Anarchists did not murder Australian Aboriginals and steal their land! No all these and other horrors were committed by decent people who believed in the myth called “government”. They believed that they were doing good by obeying the insane whims of sociopaths in power. The distinction is clear.  Take responsibility for your life and your actions! You always have a choice to obey sociopaths or your own conscience!

“I sit on a man’s back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible…except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, “What Then Must We Do?”

Just do good things.


Voting is Violence

On January 28, 2014 our fearless gang leader gave his annual State of the Union address to the group of baboons known as Congress. He vowed to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 further destroying basic employment opportunities for unskilled and inexperienced workers. He also said he will push forward on his agenda “with or without the approval of Congress”, in the true spirit of a dictator. Now the subordinate thieves, liars, and murderers are preparing for their 2014 elections. If you want to live in a world of abundant prosperity, peaceful interactions, and voluntary associations please stop participating in this freak show circus of force and aggression. It is degrading to our humanity and violent towards our neighbors.

Voting is Violence

Voting hanging tree

Voting is Violent

Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.

V for Vendetta

Just do good things.