Government Schools Are Prisons For The Young

No child left behind

I do sincerely believe we were all born Voluntaryists regarding lack of recognition of authoritarian overlords and with innate knowledge of the Non-Aggression principle, Self Ownership, and Property Rights. This is demonstrated by the frequent toddler expressions of “Its mine”, “You said”, and “It’s not fair.” These imply deep understandings of verbal voluntary contractual agreements and property rights. These simple yet vitally important concepts are routed out of us by 12 years of forced attendance at the “government indoctrination camps” known as public schools. They are replaced with State virtues such as obedience, rote memorization, nationalism, and conformity. The principles of Voluntaryism are inconsistent with a life of “government” worship.

“Government schools” are prisons for the young. They are the institutions wherein children must attend against their will and are incessantly force-fed “government” propaganda without respite. Would you force anyone to learn what you thought is necessary for them to learn just because you were in a position of authority and call that “education”? Would you truly say you “learned” something if someone forced you to memorize it and then regurgitate it on a test as proof of your “education”? These actions seem more akin to indoctrination rather than education, tyranny rather than freedom.

Homeschool vs. Public School

Some aspects that are shared between prisons and “government schools” are forced attendance, use of bells to signal movement, existence of clearly defined authority figures and subjects, specifically designated times and areas for “recess”, conflict resolution only encouraged with the authority figure rather than amongst the peers, creation of bullies and gangs, no freedom of association, no freedom of speech, no freedom of private property, no privacy, and an overwhelming clock-watching desire for freedom. Some unspoken lessons taught to students in “government schools” are truth is arbitrarily doled out by authority, intelligence results from rote memorization of facts and figures, conformity is the ideal, obedience is rewarded, and disobedience is strictly reprimanded. Does this sound like an institution whose objective is education, socialization, creative thought, critical analysis, and deductive reasoning?

If you are a parent, be honest with yourself. Did you enjoy your 12 “government school” years? Did you learn a great deal of useful information that you now apply to your life? Did you learn any skills that have made you eligible for anything more than a minimum wage job at a fast food franchise? (By the way I am not bashing fast food jobs since, for many low skilled people, they provide the foot-in-door job experience that is required to be eligible for higher paid jobs. It’s just that if you spent 12 years of dedicated full time effort to any subject I would expect you to be supremely skilled in that field or in multiple fields which would put your labor value far above minimum wage.) If you answered “no” to any of the aforementioned questions then how could you possibly want a similar subpar, mundane, and spiritually damaging experience for your precious little ones?

education system climb tree

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.

H.L. Mencken, American journalist and essayist

Just do good things

I Am Free, I Have All The Licenses And Permits To Prove It!

Liberty reflection in prison

Are you a slave? Of course not! You can speed if you want, do drugs if you want, hire someone for less than minimum wage if you want, buy something without paying sales tax if you want, not file your federal income tax return if you want, and walk into Mexico without any ID if you want, right? Of course not! This is because all of these victimless crimes are against man-made arbitrary mandates known as “laws”. If you do any of these harmless actions you will be slapped with an arbitrary fine. If you refuse to pay that fine, people in costumes will show up at your door and arrest you. If you resist arrest, these people in costumes they may harm you or kill you. Does this sound like the life of a slave or a free person?

 Statue of Liberty TSA

I will ask you again. Are you a slave? Now I can concede that perhaps there may be many layers to that answer. One may argue that since the life of a black man in the early 1800s is very different from that of a black man today, that must constitute the genuine improvement in the freedoms of the average black American. However one may also argue that the life of a white non-slave owner in the early 1800s is very different from that of a white man today and that must constitute the genuine deterioration in the freedoms of the average white American. Putting aside these confusing historical comparisons there are certain objective conclusions we can draw from this.

Obamacare extortion

The larger the “government”, the more oppressed the individual. The more man-made “laws” are created, the less individual freedom is respected. The larger the collective, the more likely insanity will be engendered. Lynch mobs are not exactly, reasonable or compassionate entities. There is no such thing as public opinion, the collective, or the group. Only the individual thinks! Only the individual reasons! Only the individual loves! Recognize no authority over your life but your own!

Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.

Bob Marley

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

Robert A. Heinlein

Just do good things

How Expecting Government To Prevent Global Warming Is Like Expecting A Thief To Manage One’s Finances

Ice Age flower

When proposing a Stateless society it is often asserted, “But we need government to protect endangered species, reduce global warming, and take care of the environment!” This false claim demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of “government”, is a gross overstatement of the ability of “government” to manage anything as massive as the environment, and merits an explanation of our existence in relation to the other 99.9% of species that are already extinct and never to be seen again on this planet.

The State can be accurately defined as a monopoly on initiated violence over a given geographical region. This cannot be stated enough. We must stop thinking of “government” as something mystical, magical, or exceptional. It is merely the institution of aggression we have all been taught to believe is necessary for civilized society to function. It is the boot on our necks that we have been taught to defer to, respect, and kiss for without it we would descend into brutal savagery. When it is understood that the people attracted to these positions of power are the lowest, vile and most contemptible sociopathic parasites among us, it can be realized that this institution can serve no useful function to humanity. For every “benefit” it claims to confer, ten injustices are perpetrated.

print bailout money

To claim that we need “government” to protect the environment, endangered species, or dwindling natural resources is to justify a violent means to achieve a dubious end. It is to allege, “But without slavery, who would pick the cotton? But without rape, how would we make babies? But without theft, how would people acquire wealth?” It is more important that the people are given freedom to lead their lives how they choose, without infringing on the freedom of another. Most people are disposed to living peacefully and engaging in voluntary trade with his fellow man.

When given freedom, the conservation of natural resources is the inevitable by-product. This is due to the presence of the price mechanism, supply/demand, and competition. By these market forces the limited nature of resources is recognized and allocated appropriately. The free market is a constantly adaptable and dynamic entity that will flourish when given the freedom.

Climate-Disruption blackboard

Environmentalists who advocate for Save the Whales, Save the Bears, Save the Tigers, Save the Pandas, or any other such “government” organization are, in the end, advocating for the further theft, violence, and coercion of their fellow man. Aside from this immorality it must be acknowledged that the vast majority of the species that have ever existed on this planet are now extinct, never to be seen again. This was not as a result of carbon dioxide emissions, chemtrails, nor poaching! Attempting to “save” these massive dying species from their inevitable fate is, in the end, an unproductive use of one’s energy and resources. A much more noble cause would be Save the Bacteria as without the presence of friendly probiotic bacteria in our GI tract we would all die. However this is does not make a catchy tear-jerking banner that appeals to the emotional centers of the masses.

Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value.

Richard Buckminster Fuller

We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this. I’m tired of Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t care about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

George Carlin

Just do good things

How the State Approved Marriage License Destroys Passionate Relationships

totally useless gifts

The oft-repeated mantra that is parroted as requisite of a decent civilized law abiding taxpayer’s life is, “Get good grades in school so you can get into a good university. Study something that will get you a good job. Get a degree so you can get a good job. Get a 401K and save for your retirement. Get a mortgage on a house, get married, have kids, pay your taxes, retire in your old age, and die.” This post will be discussing how the “government” approved marriage license destroys passionate relationships. It does this by annihilating personal freedom, making the affairs of a relationship subject to the penal system, further inviting “government” into our personal lives, and by making the union and separation of two individuals a “government” matter that extorts more currency out of the pockets of the people.

Love, relationships, courting, and children are beautiful things. The essence of their beauty is maintained insofar as they are free of surveillance, control, regulation, observation, scrutiny, and examination. It is only in the context of true freedom have truly the magnificent wonders been created that we appreciate and love today. This equally applies in the realm of relationships. The greater the degree of State control and regulation of personal relationships the lesser the degree of quality and value inherent in those relationships. They are inversely proportional to each other. Where State power increases and concentrates, love, passion, creativity, and ingenuity must suffer.

Do I look Fat

It is genuinely understood that an unmarried couple is together because they genuinely want to be together and will part ways the moment one party feels abused or exploited. Therefore the incentive is for each to treat the other person respectfully and mindfully. A personal relationship is an entirely voluntary union, which would not otherwise exist if both people genuinely did not want it to happen. When the monopoly on initiated violence and aggression known as “government” is introduced to this magnificent phenomenon, the incentives become perverted and distorted. Regarding a State approved married couple, there is less incentive to treat one’s spouse with kindness and respect because it is understood that the process of divorce is expensive, onerous, and tedious as is the case with anything related to the bureaucratic labyrinth that is “government”. Hence many married couples remain in these quasi-forced relationships to the point of enduring significant domestic abuse and spousal rape, a terrifying reality that is scarcely heard of amongst unmarried couples.

An act of infidelity, amongst an unmarried couple, is either quickly resolved between the two or the relationship is terminated without any lasting harmful effects. That same act of infidelity, amongst State approved married couples, falls under the “crime” of adultery and under Section 255.17 of the NY State penal law is a class B misdemeanor and is punishable by 90 days in prison or a $500 fine. Now imagine a man who engaged in consensual sex with a woman spending time in prison next to serial killers and rapists. This is another example of a victimless crime that wreaks havoc on the lives of otherwise peaceful people. This is the injustice system hard at work wasting the stolen funds of taxation.

A State approved marriage license is a double-edged sword with no handle. Anyway you hold it, you are likely to get sliced. Many people mistakenly conflate obtaining a marriage license with love. The two are diametrically opposed. Marriage is a business contract. It is an open invitation for the State to begin meddling in affairs that should be left private between two or more people. Divorce court is a $50 billion/year industry and costs the average victim $50,000. How many of you have extra such currency to spend? If you invite the venomous rattlesnake of “government” into your bed sheets, do not be surprised when you get bitten.



One should always love. That’s the reason one should never marry.

Oscar Wilde

If marriage didn’t exist, would you invent it? Would you go “Baby, this shit we got together, it’s so good we gotta get the government in on this shit. We can’t just share this commitment ‘tweenst us. We need judges and lawyers involved in this shit, baby. It’s hot!

Doug Stanhope, American stand-up comedian

July 4th The Holiday Of Barbaric Nationalism

US Economy rocket

July 4th is revered as our nation’s birthday and is regarded as one of the greatest celebrations of freedom and independence. Many Americans have spent it watching the State subsidized World Cup, eating charcoaled barbecued meat, drinking mind numbing beer, partaking in an American flag decorated cake, saluting a piece of red, white, and blue cloth symbolic of our oppressors, watching the repulsive Nathan’s hot dog eating contest, watching fireworks displays funded by stolen taxes, and by shouting, “America is number one! Freedom!!”

The level of unthinking barbaric nationalism steeped in this day rivals the Super Bowl. If ever there was an accurate portrayal of the witless brutishness that infects the masses of a democracy this would be it. Men acting as individuals are creative geniuses. Men acting as a collective mob become callous, cruel, and horrific. The collective is a headless beast that acts without recourse to logic and reason. Verily these Socratic ideals are only capable of the individual. When we advocate for any Nation-State we become the willing executioners of philosophy upon the altar of “government” and the myth of authority.

Independence Day


Americans would do well to study true history and Austrian Economics. These are painful endeavors precisely because they reveal the true nature of our current enslaved state. When any aspect of the carefully constructed Statist lie is examined under the microscope of logic its flimsy house of cards nature is revealed. Many would sooner cling tightly to their comfortable lies than pursue painful truths. This is the path of least resistance and is entirely understandable. However this soft obedience is exactly how we have degenerated into a world of Central Bank fiat currency, imperialistic warfare, parasitic welfare, rule by mob, thieving taxation, drowning debt, legal plunder, regulatory capture, sovereign immunity, sociopathic politicians, suffocating small businesses at the expense of politically connected Corporate whores etc.

We are enduring what we have heretofore allowed, nothing more and nothing less. The violence, corruption, and abuse stops when we stop feeding it with our attention and participation. The State is a parasite that only continues to thrive because we have fabricated intricate moralizations and pious justifications for its existence. It is a balloon that is held above us by our collective hot air. It will end the moment when we remove our precious breath; it will end the moment when we scratch it off our neck and no sooner.

Nationalism does nothing but teach you how to hate people that you never met. And all of a sudden you take pride in accomplishments you had no part in whatsoever, and you brag about- and the Americans’ll go “Fuck the French! Fuck the French, if we hadn’t had saved their ass in two World Wars, they’d be speakin’ German right now!” And you go, “Oh, was that us?” Was that me and you…I checked my pants, there’s no mud stains on the knees from where we were garroting Krauts in the trenches at Verdun. I think “we” didn’t do anything but watch sports bloopers while we got hammered. I think “we” should shut the fuck up!

Doug Stanhope, stand up comedian

Just do good things