Government Explained

What would it be like to explain the concept of “government” to an alien? Perhaps the closest comparison would be a Westerner attempting to explain it to an Australian Aboriginal, Amazon Indian, or Native American Indian. According to “government” is defined as “the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community etc; political administration: e.g. Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.”  It should be curiously noted the sample sentence that chooses to use. It seems one should take care of political propaganda even through an online dictionary.

I would like to propose an alternative. “Government is the mythical institution fabricated by the sociopathic gangs and marauders that roamed the land before it was outlined on a map. They conquered, subjugated, and physically enslaved every other free human being and their descendents until the very idea of freedom was obliterated from thought. The borders that outline a nation are but the chalk outlines of dead bodies that form the periphery of one sociopathic gang as oppose to that of the neighboring one. It is the coercive monopoly of violent force on the lives of their tax chattel.”

Organized CrimeOur political authoritarian control freaks care about us as much as a farmer cares about the cows he uses to extract milk and meat. He gives them shelter, food, and protection insofar as they can provide him with a steady source of revenue. He does not allow them more freedom to roam out of a sense of compassion or empathy for their well-being but with the full knowledge that from their slightly increased liberty, they will be comparatively happier and therefore more productive.

Know and understand the mental cage and shackles so that you may finally be free of them. Remove yourself from the Matrix by renouncing the State in all its illegitimacy! Recognize that no man is your master! You own your body and all the fruits of your labor! For one man to forcibly extract anything which you created or earned through you blood and sweat is the ultimate crime!

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century


Just do good things

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

An oft repeated but erroneous assertion is “Money is the root of all evil.” How can this be so? Money is simply an inanimate object. How can an inanimate object be blamed for anything? If a civilian man murders someone with a gun does the gun go to jail? If he murders someone with a chainsaw does the chainsaw go to jail? Guns, chainsaws, and anything that one person might use to harm another person can all be used for the purposes of good as well as evil. If a computer program malfunctions, do you blame the program or human programmer? I hope the idiocy of this assertion is apparent.

Before free and peaceful people chose money, barter was the trade method of choice. This carried with it inherent problems which included lack of coincidence of wants, lack of division, lack of common measure of value, and lack of store of value. Money and currency were borne out of necessity as communities grew.

Money is a tool chosen by free and peaceful people to trade amongst each other. It was chosen because it satisfied certain criteria that facilitated trade. These criteria include portability, divisibility, fungibility (interchangeability), durability, and store of value. Now there is a fundamental difference between money and currency. Currency is all those things minus being a store of value. It can be controlled by “governments” in the form of Central Banks and legal tender laws however this is not necessary. Some examples of currency not controlled by “governments” include tobacco, exotic bird feathers, colored beads, stamps, candy bars, nails, copper, lumber, axe heads, sea shells, salt, sugar, spices etc. All of these substances satisfied some criteria of money but lacked one or two others and so were eventually abandoned.

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Eventually about 5000 years ago precious metals, more specifically gold and silver, began their use by free and peaceful people. Although “governments” have, over the millennia, attempted to control, standardize, and issue its use, these efforts have always failed. Precious metals always retain their intrinsic value and therefore are a wonderful protection against deficit spending, pork barrel spending, warfare, imperialism, and grandiose public works that insane “governments” frequently try to fund through taxation and debt. The market can only be unnaturally stretched and distorted so far by “governments” before it snaps back. When this snap back occurs beware! For it is during this phase that much of the illusory wealth disappears, as gold/silver do an accounting for all the excess fiat currency, government bonds, and debt that was created during the distortion. This is known as the boom/bust cycle. This economic mechanism has been in effect, in an exaggerated way, for as long as “governments” have sought to meddle and intervene in so called “monetary policy”.

As long as we allow our “government” through Central Banks to control and manage our money we will never be free. It is a rigged game on an uneven playing field. It is playing monopoly with someone who can print unlimited amounts of currency. Far from money being the root of all evil, money is at the root of human trade and therefore plays an integral role in our economic health and vitality. Support the black market! Support the counter economy! Get your wealth out of fiat currency and SIFI banks! The State can be defeated, not by violent revolution, but by economic self-sufficiency and by withdrawing support of a decadent and predatory system. Simply remove nourishment from the parasite and it will necessarily shrivel up and die without the application of any force whatsoever.


Due to Gresham’s Law gold and silver started to disappear from circulation from 431-404 BC as people spent the government enforced copper coins and hoarded the gold/silver coins. Suddenly it took a whole bunch of copper coins to buy a gold/silver coin. This is the first time gold or silver ever had a price. Before that everything was measured in a weight of gold/silver.

Mike Maloney, ‘Hidden Secrets of Money’ Episode 2


Just do good things.

Jury Duty and Jury Nullification

As Voluntaryists we often resist participating in any way “within the system” to effect any meaningful change. However “Jury Nullification” is one of the most effective means by which everyday citizens can throw a monkey wrench into a corrupt system. If enough monkey wrenches are thrown at the machine, hopefully it will bring the stagnant status quo crashing down into the pile of mephitic toxic waste that it is. “Juries in criminal cases are generally, as a rule, required to reach a unanimous verdict, while juries in civil cases typically have to reach a majority on some level. If a defendant has been found guilty of a capital offense (one that could result in the death penalty if the person is eligible) then the opinion of the jury must be unanimous if the defendant is to be sentenced to death. Currently, two states, Oregon and Louisiana, do not require unanimous verdicts in criminal cases.” In these states a verdict of 10-2 is sufficient for conviction. Since the majority of states require a unanimous decision among the jurors, just one dissenting juror can result in a “Hung Jury” where a deadlock is reached and movement cannot be made forward in the trial. This is unbelievably empowering for those who oppose the State. Whilst complete dissolution of the State is a noble goal, it is also the most extreme of goals. It may be helpful to retain this objective whilst simultaneously eroding the foundations of the State from within through education and the practice of Jury Nullification.

Everyone who serves on a jury must understand the principle “If there’s no victim, there’s no crime.” If we use legality as the yardstick, by which to measure what is right, then the Holocaust, Apartheid, Chain Slavery, Stalin’s Great Purge, Mao’s Great Leap Forward, Pol Pot’s genocide etc were all legal and therefore were all right. There comes a point at which every person must decide whether to obey one’s moral compass or obey one’s conscience. They are mutually exclusive actions. Most sane people know and understand that theft, rape, assault, and murder are all morally wrong and therefore do not use violence to solve problems in their daily lives. This moral principle applies ever more importantly in the realm of “government”. For if it is wrong for one person to murder, that breach of morality is not magically altered when murder is done on a grand scale, to the sound of trumpets, waving pieces of colored cloths, and chanting a fictitious deity.

It is not only the juror’s right, but his duty to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment and conscience, though in direct opposition to the instruction of the court.

John Adams

Just do good things.

The Truth About the Fort Hood Shooting

Stefan Molyneux presents a powerful argument for the recent Fort Hood shooting in Texas and its relationship to SSRI dependency. For many decades there have been guns available for the general populace to purchase, yet only in the last 2 decades have we really begun to see a rapid rise in the frequency of school shootings, mall shootings, military base shootings, university shootings etc. Could this correlate with the rise in the availability and use of mind altering psychotropic drugs? The questionable profession of Western Psychiatry of the 19th century has brought with it inhumane mental asylums replete with filthy cages and methods of torture that would make modern day prisons seem innocuous. The 20th century brought the atrocities of electro-convulsive therapy and physical lobotomy including the traveling lobotomobile popularized by Dr. Walter Freeman wherein he would travel from town to town performing lobotomies on patients with an ice pick. Vicious as these therapies may seem they pale in comparison to the chemical lobotomies achieved with powerful mind altering psychotropic drugs known as anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and SSRIs. “Thirty years agoHenry Gadsden, the head of Merckone of the world’s largest drug companies, told Fortune magazine that he wanted Merck to be more like chewing gum maker Wrigley’s.” Today the US is by far the largest consumer of psychotropic drugs and that demographic is only worsening.

Combine this with the US being in possession of the largest military-industrial complex, largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in history, with 900 military occupations in 130 countries, and being in perpetual warfare since World War II the insanity of the situation may be appreciated. Our soldiers are repeatedly told to go overseas to maim, subjugate, and mercilessly kill because it is patriotic and it serves our country. Then when they come home broken hearted and disillusioned the very society they were taught to kill for turns their collective backs on them in twisted irony. Poverty, homelessness, and joblessness run rampant among veterans as it is now illegal in many states to feed or help the homeless in any way. What a smashing success the War on Poverty has been!

If you want to help the poor abolish the War on Poor People by ceasing your belief, support, and participation in “government”! If you want to help would-be soldiers, veterans and foreign victims and end perpetual warfare, imperialism, and genocide abolish the War on Terror by ceasing belief, support, and participation in “government”! If you want to help drug addicts and prevent the crime and gang violence that is engendered in the Black Market abolish the War on Drug Addicts by ceasing your belief, support, and participation in “government”! We Voluntaryists do not promise Utopia or a paradise on Earth because, State or no State, there will always be criminals and people willing to do you harm. The idea is not to idolize these sociopaths, give them the throne of power, unflinching obedience, and the means to carry their megalomaniacal whims to fruition.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

Albert Einstein


Just do good things

Child Protective Services Whistleblower Carlos Morales

Here is a fascinating look into the dark underworld of Child Protective Services (CPS) by whistleblower and Voluntaryist Carlos Morales. In order to sic the rabid dogs of the CPS on alleged “negligent/abusive parents” and permanently destroy their family structure all that is required is an anonymous phone call by a misguided Statist. Negligence includes homeschooling their children among other things. Abuse includes marijuana use by the parents, leaving one’s child outside alone for 3-4 hours, one’s child being too thin or too fat etc. Rarely does “abuse”, resulting in violent separation of children from their parents, constitute true physical or sexual abuse.

CPS kidnapped

The CPS investigators themselves, despite having the power to rip apart the entire family structure and destroy the lives of healthy children, are only required to possess a Bachelor’s Degree in ANYTHING and must complete a simple 2 month training course prior to beginning. Once the anonymous call is made the CPS dogs are deployed to places where children are already physically separated from their parents, such as government schools, after which they bring them into a secluded room, ask them leading questions intending to fabricate the “evidence” needed for separation, and record the entire conversation. The formula is foolproof and often achieves its desired goal. Once in the State orphanages, the children are more likely to be abused (physically, emotionally, and sexually), more likely to get diagnosed with a multitude of psychiatric disorders requiring the administration of several powerful anti-psychotic drugs, and more likely to die while there.


This level of abuse is many magnitudes times worse than the majority of so called “abusive” households. This is the sort of reckless and unaccountable behavior that results from giving a “government” agency the power over the lives and future of children. Once the State assumes control over a sector of society and funds it with extorted currency obtained at the point of a gun, all accountability and decency is lost. Without the humanizing element of competition relentlessly driving a business towards perfection, it will necessarily degenerate into decrepit irrelevancy as it becomes eclipsed by all other freely developing businesses. Child protection and the prevention of child abuse are no different. The State is the stagnating force that corrupts all things wondrous and beautiful!



There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.

Mahatma Gandhi


Just do good things