John Moody: Food Freedom Activist and Executive Director of Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Please enjoy my recent conversation with John Moody. Herein we discussed food and farmers are the most regulated areas, the seen vs unseen, the hourglass of food diversity, farmers cannot control their own prices or what they want to grow, the moo-mafia of Wisconsin, The Vernon Hershberger case, Farm to Fork Dinner Fiasco, legal plunder, FDA claims ownership over your food choices, self ownership, Consumer Reports chicken study, the perversion of the Organic label, farmer’s markets, true farming is an occupation in demolition, Joel Salatin, Polyface farm, Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel, Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal by Joel Salatin, ban GMOs debate, destroying GMO myths, following the food chain back to Iraq, the distortion of food prices and more!


The most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.

J.R.R. Tolkien


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Internal Links:


Connor Boyack: The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Creature From Jekyll Island and The Food Truck

Prof CJ: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Founder and Host of Dangerous History Podcast

Lisa DeLasho: Voluntaryist, Homeschooler, Founder of Nutritional Anarchy

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 7: Money


External Links:

Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

The Vernon Hershberger case

Farm to Fork Dinner Fiasco

Joel Salatin Polyface Farm

Cure Tooth Decay: Remineralize Your Teeth With Good Nutrition

Joseph Mercola vs Joel Salatin: GMO debate trailer

“The Oil We Eat” Following The Food Chain Back To Iraq

The War on Health: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny

Chris Martenson’s Crash Course video

Peak Prosperity

Mike Maloney Gold Silver

Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 1

Tom Woods Ep 656: How The Wholesome Meat Act Gives Us Less Wholesome Meat

Dangerous History Podcast Ep 87: Grain and the State




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Rand Eastwood: Voluntaryist, Freedom Fighter, Writer, and Founder of Operation Liberty

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Rand Eastwood. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, the one party system, Ayn Rand, Adam Kokesh, the nature of a monopoly on violence, perverse incentives, the burden of proof is on the Statists, democide, outbreeding evil, providing value, Capitalism is serving your neighbor, incentives of private business, the insanity of limiting a leviathan, Voluntaryism is a philosophy of humility, not asking for permission, surviving government school, how regulations strangle small business, true productivity is punished, taxes and regulations are the biggest overhead for an entrepreneur, government is one giant broken window fallacy, evil artisan cheese makers, FDA cut the budget, not the cheese, enormous federal economic and financial waste, “government” increases cost and decreases quality, keeping the food safe, inefficient bureaucracy, Volkswagen scandal, food truck oppressive permits and regulations, chamber of commerce protectionism, Airbnb regulated to death, ignorance of the law is no excuse fallacy, the insanity of assessing constitutionality, lemonade stand is anarchy, A Day Without Anarchy, GMO labeling laws, exposing the gun in the room, the beauty of spontaneous order and more!


The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath. A society based on the quest for security is nothing but a breath-retention contest in which everyone is as taut as a drum and as purple as a beet.

Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety



GMOs Are To Food What Keynesianism Is To Economics

Some people can get lost in the GMO debate all the while sidestepping the primary issue at hand. Regardless if GMOs are entirely safe or dangerously carcinogenic one thing is for sure, the mega bio-tech corporations that produce and patent these transgenic seeds would not have grown to colossal sizes without the massive aid and sovereign immunity that “government” has ensured through it’s status as monopoly on violence. Remove the gun in the room and allow Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta to market their products to the people. I am confident that the GMO market would immediately collapse simply based on the fact that many people support cheap local farmer’s market food over an expensive dead product synthetically made in a laboratory.


When “government” ceases its coercive influence the massive farm subsidies will also dry up. This will reveal the true hidden cost of transgenic food, terminator seeds, monoculture farming, and the over-use of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. It is quite illogical for GMO or pesticide laden food to be so much cheaper than organic whole food that is absent such harsh intervention. The chief reasons for this price distortion is the direct “government” subsidization of the former through extorted taxpayer funds and the encumbering effects of requiring organic farmers to fill out reams of paperwork and pay various fees which serve no useful function but to slowly strangulate them to death by means of regulation. Therefore the taxpayer ultimately pays thrice, first by means of increased taxes, second by means of more expensive healthy food, and third by means of the medical expenses that are the direct result of eating such dangerous transgenic food. Dispel the myth of Statism and you will immediately be liberating food, which has been held hostage for decades. Eat for the body you want, not the body you have!



After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.

Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance


Prohibition Only Enlarges State Power and Creates Black Markets

Excellent interview! I agree with most of what is discussed. I will, however, take issue with two points made; that banning these harmful substances is good or effective as has been done in a few European countries and that the problem with these large corporations is their “profit” motive or bottom line.

Legal Plunder Taxation


Before studying Austrian Economics and Voluntaryism I was thoroughly interested in holistic Eastern Nutrition, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Big Pharma, vaccines, GMOs, and alternative medical therapies. When learning about such harmful products GMOs, vaccines, artificial dyes, preservatives, or additives it is quite natural to come to the conclusion that “government” should ban such things. I used to think this way as well until I learned about the true sinister nature of “government” and its status as a monopoly on initiated force. Not only is “government” incapable of protecting our property and welfare, but it must first rob us of our property and violate our human rights in order to give the façade that it is doing these things, all for our own good by “representing” us. Given this knowledge it can easily be seen how asking “government” to ban something is an open invitation for “government” to do what it does best: control, extort, regulate, monitor, harass, and violate the freedoms of peaceful people.

Statist Bully on the Playground


The “government” is morally and financially bankrupt, always has been and always will be. It has nothing to give but toxic lies and stolen loot. If you want something build it yourself, buy it, or get others to help you voluntarily. If you want to earn more money learn new skills to increase your marketability in the market place. Make yourself more attractive for prospective employers to want to hire you and pay you more money. That is how you improve your lot in life. When you ask “government” for anything, you are essentially asking a thief to steal for you, an assaulter to assault for you, and a murderer to murder for you. There is no nobility in this; rather there is only cowardice. In providing value to each other we become free!

Government Godfather Parody


The problem is not that these companies seek out profit. Absent “government” intervention, profit and the price mechanism are beautiful feedback processes that provide valuable information between buyer and seller. Buyers bid prices up and sellers bid prices down. Where these two forces meet determines the price of a particular product or service. It is a self-correcting free market phenomenon that ensures that all parties are getting the best deal. When “government” injects itself into this magnificent process with its violent edicts and arbitrary mandates the result is always a perversion of prices and natural consequences. Political nepotism guarantees that some well connected special interest groups function with sovereign immunity regardless of environmental degradation and human injury. Such groups include Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Pfizer, Perdue, Tyson Foods, Shell, BP, Chevron, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Capital One, Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc. The fault does not lie with these special interest groups as such because although they have massive ties to “government”, their products/services are not forced upon us at gunpoint, rather we buy them willingly, be it through ignorance or complacency, we always have a choice. The fault lies in “government” that provides the sovereign immunity that shields them from any wrongdoing, litigation, or ire that their products/services may inspire from the people. Do not merely cut the hydra head for another one will just grow in its place. Strike at the body! Know your enemy! Vacate the State!


There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

Henry David Thoreau





Just do good things