Individual Secession Is A Human Right

I Don't Consent To The System

Just like Anarchy, the idea of secession scares many people. It is simply an extension of the natural human right to dissociate or discriminate. As much as it is painful for many people to recognize, we all discriminate in our daily lives. It is impossible to live one’s life and not discriminate. Desires are infinite and resources are scarce. Therefore we need a rational system to allocate these scarce resources to those people who need them the most and can use them most efficiently. This system appears to be Free Market Capitalism and Austrian Economics. Any subversion of this self regulatory market will invite waste and inefficiency into an otherwise magnificent dance of beauty.


We discriminate when we choose which friends to have and which friends to not have, which people to date and which people to not date, which businesses to patronize and which to not patronize. We discriminate every waking day of our lives in every decision we make. It is unavoidable. My wife is supremely pleased that I discriminate against every other women to spend time with her every night.


When Anarchists and Voluntaryists talk about freedom, it must be the freedom to be a sexist, racist, bigot, homophobe etc. When we speak of freedom of speech it must be the freedom to speak the most offensive things. Nothing is taboo so long as it does not violate the self-ownership or property rights of another individual. No individual has special rights that everyone does not have. The right to secede from a friendship, relationship, or business is identical to the right to secede from the State. Free individuals do not ask permission to be free.

Anarchy Is All Around Us

Anarchy No Rulers in the Bilbo Baggins Shire


Anarchy is ubiquitous. Anarchy is all around us. All order flows from it. The beautiful and wondrous aspects of our lives that we daily appreciate, emanate from it. Where there is peaceful and voluntary interaction, there is Anarchy. Proclaiming one to be an Anarchist is to recognize this very fundamental truth. It is to say, “I oppose coercion and the initiation of force in all its manifestations. I will do everything in my power to rid the world of it!” Since the State is the supreme manifestation of the initiation of force, one who declares such a statement with logical consistency must be an Anarchist. It is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact it is something to declare with thunderous passion from the mountaintops! Be proud of your allegiance to morality!

Legality and Morality Are Diametrically Opposed

There Is Only One Law, Do No Harm, Everything Else Is   Tyranny, Books in  Library

“In Anarchy, rape is legal, child molestation is legal, sexual slavery is legal, everything is legal because nothing is illegal because there are no laws. How, specifically, will that lead to Liberty?”

Legality is an arbitrary construct fabricated by those in power to supplant one’s understanding of Morality. In reality these two concepts are diametrically opposed. If legality is used as a metric for how to behave it has failed miserably. For time immemorial many more atrocities have been committed in the name of the State than were ever committed by private individuals.

The list of political euphemisms for criminal acts committed by agents of the State is inexhaustible. It is not theft, it is taxation or civil asset forfeiture. It is not kidnapping it is the War on Drugs or getting arrested. They’re not called rape camps, they’re called prisons. They’re not called a violent gang, they’re called law enforcement or the military. It’s not called mass murder, it’s called the War on Terror. It’s not called counterfeiting, it’s called Quantitative Easing, currency creation, or the Mandrake Mechanism. It’s not called an extortion racket it’s called the Internal Revenue Service. It’s not called spying or the surveillance State, it’s called the National Security Agency. It’s not called sexual molestation, it’s called getting a pat down by the TSA. It’s not called getting a death threat, it’s called getting pulled over by the police.

Those who possess an internal moral compass or conscience have no need for laws. Those who do not possess an internal moral compass or conscience do not care for the law. Law is an appeal to authority. Law is an opinion with a gun. The slave asks “Is it legal?”. The free man asks “Is it moral?” Let your conscience be the only law you obey.

I will die a slave of principles, not men.

Emiliano Zapata, Mexican Revolutionary leader

Anarchy and Liberty Are Synonymous

There Is No Central Authority For Language or the Internet, Didn't Realize You Were Living In Anarchy, Global Communication Network

“Aren’t the concepts of Liberty and Anarchy diametrically opposed to each other? How do you maintain Liberty in the absolute absence of any laws?”

In the same way that Oligarchy is rule by a few, and Monarchy is rule by one, Anarchy is translated as rule by no one. In this case “ruler” specifically refers to those megalomaniacs who enter into the coercive institution known as the State to vie for the reins of power. The nature of the State is inherently violent and forceful. It is not elegance, it is not brilliance, nor is it sparkling originality. It is an entity that deems it necessary to force its destructive ideas onto a population that becomes proportionately impoverished as a result. If the ideas were so magnificent they would not need to be forced onto anyone, rather the people would willingly embrace them voluntarily. Good ideas do not require force. If your ideas require force, they are worthless.

According to Google the definition of Liberty is “the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.” Hence Liberty is entirely consistent with Anarchy. It is the freedom to live one’s life in any manner one so chooses according to the Non-Aggression principle so long as one does not trample on the self-ownership or property rights of another human being. Liberty is the foundation of any truly civilized society. The extent to which it is hindered is the extent to which prosperity and wealth is destroyed. Free men and women do not ask permission.

You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

Mahatma Gandhi

Adam Williams: Ex-Wall Street Derivatives Trader Turned Entrepreneur and Voluntaryist

Adam Williams bright smile

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Adam Williams. Herein we discussed inspiring others, spreading positivity, talking politics is a waste of time, how he became a Voluntaryist, made millions and lost millions, losing a hundred thousand dollars per month, the Avatar course, fear leads to government, love leads to anarchy, four kinds of entrepreneurs, Federal Reserve destroys purchasing power, the next bubble to pop, exporting inflation, Good Anarchist-Bad Anarchist podcast with Larken Rose, Mark Passio, promoting peaceful non-compliance, the importance of peaceful parenting, simplifying the Voluntaryist message, my view on voting, how to improve the world, $15 minimum wage insanity, natural law, raising consciousness and more!


Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.

J.R.R. Tolkien

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Peaceful Parenting Breaks The Cycle of Violence

Anarchy is Love

Voting is Violence

Minimum Wage Creates More Unemployment

Minimum Wage Causes More Unemployment and Poverty

Hidden Secrets of Money: Episode 4


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The Avatar Course

B-HIP Europe

Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

What On Earth Is Happening



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