L-Dixon: Hippie Anarchist Rapper And Creative Director of Never Get Busted

Please enjoy my recent interview with L-Dixon. Herein we discussed how he became an Anarchist, Ron Paul, his university experience, why my kids won’t be anywhere near government school, what government school teaches, high school graduate skills, broken window fallacy, seen and the unseen, his rapping history, using rap to spread Voluntaryism, decide one thing you want to do for the rest of your life, 100th monkey effect, anarchy surrounds us, why police do not serve and protect the population, are police heroic, incentives of politicians and police officers, Plato’s philosopher kings, never get busted, who is Barry Cooper, helping victims and inmates of the Drug War, which country has the most prisoners, the terrorists hate us for our freedom, the logic of the War on Terror, appeal to force, American Sniper, what is a terrorist/insurgent, what is defending the country, modern day Newspeak, how to introduce Voluntaryism to people, we are the government fallacy, Cannabis legalization is begging for freedom, work within the system, Intellectual Property, decentralized technology, Bitcoin, government irrelevancy, the Luddite fallacy, technology emancipates humanity and much more!



The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.

George Orwell




Just do good things


The True Function and History of Regulations

Taxes_Regulations Ball And Chains


“How do you combat the claim that without government there would be no regulation and companies would have people working for slave wages, long hours, etc?”

Your question assumes a few things, which must be addressed; that regulations function to protect workers, the existence of “slave wages” for those willing to work for them, and the historical reason regulations exist at all. Regulations protect no one other than the special interest groups who already have political ties to “government”. Through regulatory capture they are able to not only remain practically immune from the regulatory agency. This is known as sovereign immunity of the corporation. Moreover they are also able to virtually write the laws themselves to ensure their continued benefit from them in terms of squashing small business competition and erecting gargantuan barriers to entry for their particular field. Regulations function only to strangulate employers and entrepreneurs by preventing them from running their business efficiently and smoothly. Due to the existence of such laws they must now divert precious time, energy, and resources to complying with “government” regulations, which necessarily destroys in proportionate manner their business. The fact that businesses are still able to function at all, even with the massive number of regulations on the books today, is testament to the hardy resilience of man’s desire to produce wealth amidst such stultifying forces. With more and more regulations made as time passes the clear trajectory taken by the US is towards complete control over the means of production AKA blatant Communism/Socialism. This would be the death knell to our comatose economy.


Communist Manifesto


The term “slave wages” is a nebulous term that is often used by Socialists/Communists to describe what is equally as nebulous a term, the “living wage”. They both are meaningless since we all have different conceptions of what a suitable wage is for which to sell our labor. Our labor and time is a product like any other and when we sell it to an employer he gives us monetary compensation, which is known as a salary or wage. To a man who is unemployed and makes $0/hour, making $2/hour is significant improvement; however under the current minimum wage laws this voluntary arrangement would be an illegal agreement and punishable by State penalties. Nobody can tell you what is an appropriate price for your time and labor. We must all as individuals, make that decision for ourselves. It is immoral and violent for “government” to forcefully compel an involuntary agreement or prevent a voluntary agreement from taking place between employer and employee. That is a personal agreement that must be decided by employer and employee alone.

Even the “sweatshops” that pay “slave wages” in distant lands must be employed by people who have concluded those wages, long hours, and work environment to be superior to their other options. Therefore these “slave wages” are not slave wages to them but rather the best of all possible options. Such free market capitalism is the best method for a region to lift itself out of abject poverty and raise it’s standard of living. We all must start somewhere.


Price System


Historically it was not “government” regulations that protected the workers from the evil Capitalist pigs, improved worker environments, or minimum wage laws that increased wages. This is the skewed history that “government school” would have you believe. Rather the increased efficiency of machinery, technological innovation, and improvements in production and distribution is what did these things. Worker environments and wages were all steadily improving already, before “government” rode in on its white horse with its violent mandates to cruelly shackle such a magnificently functioning organism as the Free Market. Institutionalized violence can never claim the manifold victories and accomplishments of peaceful people engaging in voluntary relationships.


Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their governmental schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations! And now that the legislator and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty.

Frederic Bastiat



Just do good things


Samuel Kovac: Bitcoin Specialist/Lecturer And Citizen Of Former Communist Czechoslovakia

Please enjoy my recent interview with Samuel Kovac. Herein we discussed how he became an Anarchist, his experience in Communist Czechoslovakia, prohibited goods/actions under Communism, the variety that evil Capitalism brings, sudden collapse under Communism was confusion and mayhem, Coupon Privatization, no unemployment under Communism, government agencies paying government taxes, one button to turn off government, Voluntaryism is a state of mind and not simply a lack of government, Mexico vs. Slovakia, only enforced laws are recognized, Bitcoin is Anarchy, all currencies are fiat currencies, Bitcoin is a scam fallacy, Bitcoin is a bubble fallacy, iPhones as currency, nature prefers the path of least resistance, can Bitcoin be hacked, the fall of Mt. Gox, countries that ban Bitcoin, IRS says Bitcoin is property, different types of Bitcoin wallets, Ross Ulbricht trial, who does Prohibition benefit, legality is not a measurement of morality, is Mexico a dangerous place to live, drug cartels as stupid parasites, is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme, is Bitcoin useless because it is digital and much more!


Just do good things


Bill Buppert: Founder of ZeroGov.com, Abolitionist Extraordinaire

Please enjoy my recent interview with Bill Buppert, the founder of ZeroGov.com. Herein we discussed how he became an Anarchist, what is an Abolitionist, his hero John Wilkes Booth, all presidents are mass murderers, government diffuses moral responsibility, fear is the mortar and obedience is the brick in the house of government, the 100th monkey effect, taxation is organized thuggery, his experience in the military, the historical propaganda in government school, expelling intellectual Statist excrement, homeschooling/unschooling, lessons taught in government school, Pledge of Allegiance is socialist, what’s the difference between Nazi Germany and the current federal government, the little dictators of Democracy, why government is not like a condo association, chess club, or church, being off the political spectrum, government violates individual rights every day, free community college, the social contract, Bill’s book, impoverished but passionate Voluntaryists, appeal to force/stick, Marc Stevens, exposing the gun in the room, the fantasy of checks and balances, rule by kakocracy, the Stanley Milgram experiment, fear feeds obedience, oppositional defiant disorder, the insanity of Western Psychiatry and much more!



I heartily accept the motto, ‘That government is best which governs least’; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which I also believe, ‘That government is best which governs not at all’; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.

Henry David Thoreau




Just do good things


The Mental Illness Of Statism

Brain Breaking Chains(1)

Statism is more a mental illness that enslaves people by means of self-imposed intellectual barriers than a steel cage from which they must physically escape. The illusion of freedom is a more powerful tool to manipulate and subjugate a populace than any gun or stick can ever be. Guns can run out of ammunition and sticks can be broken, but mental enslavement to authority endures the ages. By this method the people will submit because they have been bred and programmed to do so since before they could talk or reason. They know of no other relationship than that of master and slave or ruler and subject. They grow to adore their servitude and reproach anyone who would seek to criticize their master just as a dog jumps with excitement when his master fills his food bowl and faithfully guards him against invaders.

Born In A Cage

The main difference is that we far outnumber our oppressors and yet we tolerate their abuses because we cannot conceive of a world without their arbitrary restrictions and sundry taxes. We genuinely believe that it is necessary and moral for a society to rob its brothers and sisters to fund projects that are neither wanted nor useful. To deny the people the freedom to do with their currency what they will is the foundation for tyranny of the most egregious form, for with that currency “government” may fund it’s own expansion and thereby continually justify it’s own existence through the Hegelian Dialectic. Never doubt the ability of parasitic sociopaths to extort and spend other people’s currency.

 Free Your Mind

The theft of taxation and the belief in the myth of authority form the two legs by which “government” derives its power. It is not that the legs need to be repaired, reformed, or reshaped. The legs must be destroyed with self-knowledge and awareness so that we may realize that social progress and intellectual advancement occur not when we exalt some people to the level of untouchable deity but rather when we place our trust and respect in our fellow man. For it is he alone who toils day and night to honestly earn his keep by providing valuable goods and services for which other people are willing to trade their hard earned currency. This is how peaceful people have been improving their lives for time immemorial. It is not that some classes are unfit to rule. All classes are unfit to rule!



Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations! And now that the legislators and the do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty.”

Frederic Bastiat




Just do good things
