It’s Utopian To Think Christmas Can Exist Without Santa Claus!

Authority Man

“It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where foreign powers come in and loot our country worse than the globalists do today.”

This is known as Agoraphobia or fear of the outside or foreign places. The logic to retain a violent monopoly of aggression over our lives that retains the ability to extort, assault, rape, or murder us in order to prevent a foreign violent monopoly of aggression over our lives that retains the ability to extort, assault, rape, or murder us does not compute. This is similar to the physician refusing to treat his patient for hypertension because the patient may develop hypertension again in the future or the trainer who refuses to help a client tone up lest he become fat and flabby again in the future. One must not condone any violation of individual rights at any time. To do so is to accept being owned by master. To do so is to accept, to a certain extent, being a slave.

“Anarchism, like other idealistic belief systems, is a Utopian model.”

Any “government” or “ism” is the utopian ideal for some groups of people. The difference is all of these “governments” must exist by violence and coercion. They must force their edicts, laws, and mandates onto the people against their will and for their own good. This is the beginning of every oppressive totalitarian, communist, or socialist regime and the collapse of every great empire. Good ideas do not require force.

TV Propaganda

“Humanity has a long way to evolve before we are ready.”

Who determines this? You? I think you give far too much credit to the monopoly on initiated aggression known as “government”. It has done nothing for humanity. It has only brought bloodshed, suffering, violence, and war.

“As we have seen with Civil Rights, Gay Rights, cannabis legalization, and other mass movements – real change is possible and inevitable when people band together for common cause.”

It is my goal to educate people that these are but minor infinitesimal issues when compared with the over-arching notion of “government”. They are tilling the soil with a teaspoon when what they need is a metaphysical excavator.

Just do good things

Student Loan Debt: The Modern Rite of Passage

College Debt Ball And Chain

At one time tertiary education used to mean something when those who entered were there because they could actually handle the course work and had the drive to excel in their field. Degrees were rare and therefore an accurate reflection of an individual’s intellect and competency. Employers would regard college/university degrees in much higher regard due to this scarcity. This is simple supply/demand economics.

Once the federal “government” began sticking its criminal hands into the student loan business by ensuring those loans with stolen loot to anyone with a pulse, as with anything that is corrupted by “government” involvement, the quality plummeted and the price skyrocketed, as is reminiscent of any “government” subsidized industry. As universities began noticing the sharp rise in federal loans they raised their prices, as any sane institution would do when receiving a secured income. This has caused the artificial swelling of university staff, buildings, and equipment. A bubble has been coming to fruition, which is only now coming to its apex. At approximately 1.2 trillion Federal Reserve Notes, the student loan debt bubble is second only mortgage debt in the US.

Elderly Paying Off Student Loans

It is now believed to be common knowledge that anyone who chooses to get ahead in life or obtain a reasonable job must go to university and assume massive amounts of debt. Approximately 70% of all university graduates do not get a job in their field of study and instead work in places that do not require a degree such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Dunkin Donuts. These poor unfortunate and misguided souls who are shackled by debt for the better part of their natural lives then go on to increase institutionalized violence by voting and petitioning for an increase in the minimum wage and student loan debt forgiveness. They are imploring “government” to subsidize their wretched decision-making at the expense of the industrious.

Debtors Prison

Student loan debt forgiveness is among the most laughable and pitiful of their pleas. They assert that it was society that “forced” them into debt and they should therefore be magically absolved of all their economic ignorance. If this insanity were to occur, what kind of message would that convey? This is known as moral hazard. If a reckless gambler were to get into massive debt and some angel were to come along and pay off his debts or supply him with more funds to continue his addictions, would this encourage him to gamble more or less? We all respond to incentives. Universities and their students are no different. No one is exempt from the laws of economics. Although politicians may claim exemption, the best they can do is delay the inevitable economic consequences of their disastrous decisions. Take what you want and pay for it. This is the way of true civilized men and women.

Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.

Norm Franz




Just do good things

Learning And Living Are Inseparable

Book pile to see heavens

When a child is learning something because he/she displays an interest, is this not true education? Indeed how can we equate anything that requires force with “education”? Good ideas do not require force. If your idea must be forced onto an individual there is a very good chance that idea is worth less than a 100 billion dollar Zimbabwe note in 2009. This applies to all “government” dominated fields and is exactly the reason why all “government jobs” cannot be considered in the same breath as Free Market jobs that arise out of an existing or created market demand. The former relies on coercion and theft to exist and its incentives are for mendacity, chicanery, and deceit. The latter requires natural supply and demand to exist and its incentives are for excellence and healthy competition. They are beasts of vastly different worlds and must not considered in the same breath.

 Clipping Childhood Wings

Learning and living are inseparable! When we separate the two, learning becomes indoctrination and living becomes comatose. This is a profound tragedy indeed and indicative of a society that insists on punishing its children by sending them to little prisons during some of the most formative years of their lives. When we are not actively learning something is this living or merely surviving? Learning does not start in kindergarten and does not stop after 12th grade or even after leaving the University. To live is to be constantly learning!

 Les Miserables children

If you wish decadence onto a society you need not burn the books; rather you need only discourage the reading of those books. By this method a once great and powerful society can be brought to its knees. Children who despise learning and abhor critical thought will necessarily produce barbaric adults who believe violence and coercion is the best way to interact with each other and the only way to bring peace. Be careful what lessons you teach your children. They will embody those lessons to form the world of tomorrow.


Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

Albert Einstein



Just do good things

War On Terror To Infinity

War On Terror


Fear is the underlying force that constructs and maintains the delusional edifice of authority. The populace can be easily subjugated if they can be made to feel that without “government” they would starve, go thirsty, prematurely die of sickness, be illiterate, get attacked by Muslim fundamentalists, China, or Russia, or any number of false hobgoblins. The fears that compose the mortar of Statism are no more real than is the notion of taxing the people into prosperity. Both unwarranted fear and the forced redistribution of wealth leading to prosperity immediately dissipate when the attempt is made to confirm their validity in the fire of logic. Myths and superstitions can only survive in an environment of profound economic ignorance. The cure for such mental illnesses is the unforgiving application of philosophy. Think it’s not illegal yet! Even if it were illegal I would still think!


Just do good things

One Day You Must Answer To Your Grandchildren


The non-aggression principle, self-ownership, and property rights are concepts that most children inherently understand to be true. Many of us were incessantly inculcated to not hit other kids and to not steal their stuff. That is the essence of Voluntaryism. It is a very simple philosophy but one that nevertheless needs to be said, as many of the evils we see perpetrated in the name of “government” are in direct violation of these most basic principles. All we need to do is alter the terms and we are made to believe that this alters the fundamental immorality. By this logic when theft becomes taxation, counterfeiting becomes the Mandrake Mechanism, and murder becomes the War on Terror or drone strikes they magically become acceptable terms for intelligent discourse. Such insanity can only be accepted by a populace that has endured 15,000 hours of “government school” indoctrination. Any lie told often enough and loud enough will be readily adopted by the intellectually soft and morally bankrupt. If a child can identify basic immorality the problem lies not with the children but with the “mature” adults who extort, maim, and murder in the name of a piece of colored fabric or a fictitious entity. What will you say when your grandchildren ask you, in your advanced age, why did you support a genocidal monopoly on aggression, vote to violently subjugate your neighbor, and empower sociopaths? I hope you will have a better answer than “I was just doing my job”.


Just do good things