Voting Is Begging For Stolen Goods

Many of us were taught in our “government schools” that voting is our civic duty and that it is the way we exercise who we believe should be governing us. I will make the case that voting is at best a suggestion box that slaves use to pitifully beg their political masters for more scraps from the table and at worst a violent intent to use the guns of the State to further one’s moral self-righteousness.

Assuming voting has any useful effect on the outcome, the very essence of Democracy is that, through voting, the majority can forcefully impose their will on the rest of the population regardless of individual rights. It is the disgusting intent to delegate to politicians the criminal act of robbing one’s neighbors that one is too cowardly to do oneself.  This is typical lynch mob morality and is nothing to be proud of. The group does not possess moral virtues that is absent in the individual, in fact historically it is shown that people in groups act with much more blatant brutality, barbarism, and insanity than they otherwise would acting individually of their own devices. Some may point out “Well we don’t live in a Democracy. We live in a Republic!” This may be true but cite me an enduring example in history when a Republic, or any form of “government”, has ever respected individual rights or property rights regardless of worthless Constitutions and Bill of Rights? You would be hard pressed to find such an example.

Voting screwIt is more likely that voting is a useless plea to our rulers hoping in vain that they return some of the currency they stole from us, recover some of the rights they trampled over, lessen the economic destruction wreaked on the market by their interventionist policies, or restore some of the stolen prosperity that fiat currency plunders from the unborn. Ask the black slave of the American south during the early 19th century if they believed working within the system was a useful method for change. One would sooner see unicorns jump over rainbows than reasonably expect politicians to reduce their power over the multitude. This prospect is simply not in the realm of the sane.

Do not delude yourselves into believing you have a choice. The choice of what color the boot is that is stamping on your face is not the type of choice one should be proud of making. Do not participate in this farce. It only invalidates you as a human being and brings you down to the level of sociopaths. To ask for permission to be free is an open admission that you are not free! Recognize no man as your master! You are your own master!

The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.

Charles Bukowski


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Minimum Wage Causes More Unemployment and Poverty

Obama saws ladder

Minimum Wage “laws” create more unemployment, poverty, joblessness, and foster gang violence. The mechanism by which this is achieved is easily understood when one takes into account basic Economic theory. In an environment wherein there is complete economic freedom, AKA true capitalistic free markets, an employee may engage in a voluntary contract with an employer at any specified wage. This agreement is entirely voluntary as no fraud or initiatory force has been committed therefore no injustice has been committed. If there’s no victim, there’s no crime.

Some may argue, “We need to pay them a living wage!” What does this vague term “living wage” even mean? Who determines what a “living wage” is? In reality this term means absolutely nothing. It is hypothetical Keynesian nonsense. There is no such thing as a “living wage”. It is a term used by those who seek to use the violence of “government” to force unequal people to be equal, force the industrious down to the level of the slothful, and to reward the unskilled at the expense of the skilled. Besides the obvious insanity of this collectivist intent this effect is never actually realized. What actually happens is far more sinister.

 minimum wage magic

Far from being an employment law, minimum wage laws are unemployment laws. By outlawing certain voluntary agreements from taking place they guarantee the creation of a permanently poor underclass that must appeal to “government” to support them in their poverty. As history has shown, once a particular generation enters into this “government” dependent class they must exert elephantine efforts to lift themselves out of it. It becomes a rut that is taught and passed down to the successive generations creating an ever-enlarging welfare state that is all supported and funded by the hard working productive class.

Minimum wage laws are truly ingenious ploys to win votes from the unthinking masses that hear the rhetoric of the “living wage must keep up with inflation” without ever stopping to think why this situation exists at all. Contrary to the propaganda our fearless leaders feed us; inflation is not a natural state of any economy. It represents massive monetary manipulation, interest rate rigging, and fiat currency creation. These are the culprits of higher commodity, housing, and food prices. They are not the result of greedy business owners or selfish landlords. Know your enemy!

Apart from blaming the State there are real things you can do to improve your earning capacity. Read more books! Acquire more skills! Apprentice under those skilled in the field you wish to learn!  Start your own business! Stop depending on other people or “government” for your economic survival. No one is responsible for your failure but yourself! Genius is as common as dirt! Use it!

 15 dollar happy meal

It would be comforting to believe that the government can simply decree higher pay for low-wage workers, without having to worry about unfortunate repercussions, but the preponderance of evidence indicates that labor is not exempt from the basic economic principle that artificially high prices cause surpluses. In the case of the surplus of human beings, that can be a special tragedy when they are already from low-income, unskilled or minority backgrounds and urgently need to get on the job ladder, if they are ever to move up the ladder by acquiring experience and skills.

Thomas Sowell



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Police – The Domestic Monopoly On Violence

This video does not advocate violence, contrary to the initial knee jerk reaction one may have to the title. Using defensive force to resist institutionalized aggression is not equivalent to the initiation of force daily perpetrated by the monopoly on violence we all understand as “government”. The only difference between the State and the mafia is size. The US “government” is simply the largest mafia of the land, claiming dominion over an immense geographical region inhabited by roughly 313 million individuals. It asserts its authority through the incessant and outright initiation of force. Serfs must constantly be taught where their inferior place is, lest they forget and live voluntarily and peacefully. Perish the thought!

Although we may call those in power sociopaths and tyrants, they do not work alone. For without the industrious funding their agenda through taxation and without a steady supply of petty thugs enforcing their agenda through unconditional obedience, they are simply twisted old men behind the curtain using pyrotechnic phantasmagoria to keep the public in a constant state of awe and fear. These “police officers” are the formerly decent and moral human beings that are attracted to this promising job of serving and protecting the people, only to find that they instead end up viewing the people as cows to be milked or sheep to be herded directly to the slaughterhouse.

 Police Smoke Constitution

Law enforcement is the polar opposite of a private security agency. The former receives guaranteed funds through “government” and therefore has no incentive to offer good quality service in the form of security and protection. On the contrary their loyalty to the arbitrary “laws” of politicians brings them respect and notoriety among their peers at the expense of the people as can be noted through the rampant police brutality that surfaces daily. Being part of “government” it is an artificial monopoly and is not subject to the laws of supply and demand. The latter, being a business like any other, exists as a direct result of the patronage of its customers. Customer satisfaction and quality of service is its sole mission. It competes with other private security agencies for customers and therefore would not tolerate abuses of power by their employees as they would simply be fired. This simple element of competition eliminates any possibility for brutality of any kind; as such a corrupt company would simply go out of business if it proves to serve no useful purpose to the marketplace.

When a “government” seeks to dominate and control foreign lands it is known as imperialism. When it seeks to dominate and control everything that lies within it fictional boundaries known as “borders” this is known as totalitarianism. The unmistakable militarization of our law enforcement is characteristic of any empire which swells and metastasizes to gargantuan proportions. History has demonstrated this cancerous growth to be the last death throes of an empire before it collapses into utter ruin. It can only be sustained by the obedient who would do any deed with the excuse of “I’m just doing my job.” or “Don’t blame me I didn’t write the law!” Clearly it is not the petty thieves or law breakers that we must fear, but those who are compelled to follow orders, whatever the human cost.

I thought you had a gun

There is something about the state putting the power to bully into the hands of subnormal, sadistic apes that makes my blood boil.

Gore Vidal, Death in the Fifth Position



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The College Attendance Bubble

College debt in training

Growing up in our Statist society we were all exposed to the mantra “Get good grades in school so you can go to a good college/university. Get good grades in your college/university so you can get a degree and get your dream job. Then you will live happily ever after.” It’s also nice to believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny however at some point we must snap out of it and grow up.


Tertiary education never guaranteed anything except a waste of years and, for most, an outrageous student loan debt to service for decades. To send a young adult into the workforce already in debt slavery and then say “Well if you didn’t go to a university it could have been worse.” is demonstrating a special brand of sadism. Statistically speaking approximately 70% of tertiary education graduates do not get a job in their field of study. Rather they end up in jobs that require no degrees of any kind, such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Burger King, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Taco Bell, Wendy’s etc. This is not to demean these jobs as they do provide those with little skills a means to gain useful skills in order to later get a higher paying job down the road. However for one to have obtained a 4-year degree or 6 year degree to later concede to getting such a job is an absolute admittance of failure in every respect.

 Watch your step college cost

A piece of paper is just as worthless as currency, as a Constitution, and as a degree. In all cases it leaves the holder believing he has something tangible and real. In all cases it leads to utter disappointment and dejection. A college/university degree is simply a piece of paper that signifies the successful obedience of one’s professors. If, in order to learn something, you need to pay, or more often borrow, thousands of Federal Reserve Notes for an old man to be reading to you from a textbook, this is not a favorable reflection of your self-motivation, drive, and capacity for learning.


The emergence of the internet completely revolutionized how we acquire information. When the limit to one’s knowledge is the creativity one may employ in the Google search bar, the uncomfortable possibility may have been realized that the ancient bricks and mortar institutions we used to conflate with knowledge have been rendered irrelevant and obsolete. Do not be among the legion that still clings to an archaic ideology.

Obama pick pocket

A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.

Shelby Foote


Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you.

John Green 



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The Rise Of Digital Currency

Bitcoin black market alley

I would argue the relevance of Bitcoin, and other crypto-currencies, to be massive. Although it is true that money is simply a commodity that facilitates trade between two parties, it is a rather vital commodity nevertheless. Therefore it’s hijacking by “government” and Central Bankers, sends a ripple of corruption that reverberates down the various levels of the economy. It is felt by all because money/currency is the life blood that circulates throughout the arteries of the land. The word currency implies its necessity for incessant movement similar to that of the current in a body of water; always fluid, always in motion. When it stagnates by artificial dams, the result is flooding and drought. When currency is artificially impeded or diverted by currency manipulation, currency creation, Quantitative Easing, price, controls, wage controls, rent controls, interest rate meddling etc. the result is exacerbated poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and privation.

This has been occurring in steadily increasing degrees since the Federal Reserve commandeered the currency supply in 1913. For a long time there was very little one could do to protect oneself aside from trading directly in cash and saving in tangible assets such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, diamonds, precious stones, collectible art work etc. With the emergence of Bitcoin all this changed. For the first time a trading network became possible that existed entirely outside of the financial sector. This allowed consumers to trade with each other directly rather than through a third party such as a bank, financial institution, credit card, or PayPal. This truly changed the game permanently. The people were back in control of their money to the absolute exclusion of “government”.

Monopoly BitcoinsNow one may claim that “Bitcoins are worthless digits with no intrinsic value.” however the market speaks differently. The power and value of Bitcoin can only come from the people willingly adopting it for use in trade. Other than for monetary transactions Bitcoin has no other uses, unlike gold/silver which are useful as jewelry, hygiene, electronics, solar panels, windows, thermal conduction, heat conduction, electrical conduction, water filtration, antimicrobial, internal organ tonic etc. Therefore the fact that it required 10,000 Bitcoins to purchase a pizza pie in 2010 and in November 2013 the value of one Bitcoin equaled the price of one ounce of gold is phenomenal indeed. Nobody could have possibly predicted such a meteoric rise. This could only be possible by willing people voluntarily using it in trade and businesses voluntarily accepting it as payment. Out of the black market is born a digital beauty!

Beggar holding a 'will work for bitcoin' sign.

I really like Bitcoin. I own Bitcoins. It’s a store of value, a distributed ledger. It’s a great place to put assets, especially in places like Argentina with 40 percent inflation, where $1 today is worth 60 cents in a year, and a government’s currency does not hold value. It’s also a good investment vehicle if you have an appetite for risk. But it won’t be a currency until volatility slows down.

David Marcus, CEO of Paypal

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