GMOs Are To Food What Keynesianism Is To Economics

GMO Monsanto CEO

What are GMOs? It stands for Genetically Modified Organisms, or in other words anything, which is not naturally occurring. They are created when scientists remove genes, change genes, or add genes from one species and forcefully insert it into another for the purpose of adding a desired effect or deleting an undesirable one. Just as in our modern day interventionist Keynesian Economics which damages and worsens the economy through currency manipulation/creation (The Mandrake Mechanism) and interest rate fixing; when one attempts to manipulate the traits of living organisms that have taken many thousands or millions of years to evolve, the result is unintended, or intended for the more sinister minded, harmful effects for the organism being experimented upon, other organisms who interact with it in nature, as well as those organisms who consume it. Man did not create plants, animals, and the free market economy and so nothing man does will improve the current affairs. Quite the opposite in fact occurs. The more intervention man employs in the natural plant, animal, and free market economic world will only serve to exacerbate and lengthen any minor glitches that may present. Nature, as in free market economics, has many self-healing mechanisms that automatically correct itself with ease. Future distortions and irregularities cannot be foreseen by any politician, Nobel Prize winning economist, or biotech scientist, no matter how savvy and clever.


One glaring example of this is corn that has been modified to contain the bacterium, Bacillus Thuringeiensis, which makes the corn fatal to insects and other pests. When they eat this GMO corn it immediately destroys their stomachs and digestive systems. The biotech companies however tell us, with indefatigable calmness, this Franken corn is harmless to humans. Are we to believe a company who, after destroying the biodiversity of a plant/animal species proceeds to patent and reap enormous profits off of said species since it is no longer a natural organism but can now be considered a product and therefore subject to US Patent law? Therefore any farmer found to be growing such plants on his farm, even if accidental by windblown seeds from passing trucks, would be the subject of harsh legal actions for years that would, even if proven to be innocent, most likely bankrupt said farmer. When pitted against the enormous deep-pocketed biotech companies such as Monsanto and their legion of lawyers, small organic farmers don’t stand a chance. In addition to all this one cannot even expect a fair trial from the Judicial System, which is in itself a conflict of interest. Aside from the plain contradiction in terms of a branch of government adequately monitoring itself, this is further muddied when one considers the revolving door of International Bankers, Politicians, Congressmen, and Corporate CEOs that is constantly swinging open.

 Conveyor Belt Politician

Did you know that Monsanto, one of the largest biotech corporations in the world used to reassure the American people that Dioxin, Agent Orange, and DDT were all safe? Did you know that much of the pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides that came into widespread use following World War II were formerly used as mustard gas and ammunition that were leftover from the war? And now they are telling the people of the world that GMO food is not only “safe for consumption” but also the solution to “global hunger.” Rest assured that polluting the sacrosanct heirloom gene pool passed down from past generations, rendering it illegal for farmers to save seeds, and saddling farmers with enormous debt wherefrom there is no escape is far from a solution to anything. In fact just as with most destructive multi-national corporations with their powerfully irresistible lobbying capabilities, federal subsidies, and cartel formation, this is the kind of behavior that Corporate Fascism rewards luxuriously. Do not confuse this as being a result of the Anarcho-Capitalistic free market. The former rewards recklessness, speculation, and a waste of resources, the latter rewards thrift, prudence, and efficient use of resources. They are beasts originating from different worlds.


Your patronage is deserving of that institution which fosters life in all its manifestations. When you purchase something you are voting for what you want to see more of in the world. Appreciate the dwindling power left in the purchasing power of your fiat paper trash currency, whatever little is left of it. Buy local! Buy from farmer’s markets! Buy raw dairy and raw fermented dairy! Buy water based fermented foods! Buy raw honey! Be your own medical doctor, nutritionist, naturopath, and herbalist! Eat for the body you want, not the body you have!

GMO cornzilla

We don’t need a law against McDonald’s or a law against slaughterhouse abuse–we ask for too much salvation by legislation. All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse.

Joel Salatin



Just do good things

Pale Blue Dot (Carl Sagan)

Pale Blue Dot 2

While it is important to understand the power the individual possesses in effecting meaningful change around him through his pursuit of liberty, excellence, virtue, and truth, occasionally it’s helpful to understand our relative insignificance in this farcical tragedy we call life. We humans are the accidental evolutionary result of a long series of fortuitous events; 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang, 4.5 billion years since the formation of Earth, orbiting in the Goldilocks Zone of an inconsequential middle aged star which lies on the Orion Arm 2/3 of the 25,000 light years away from the massive black hole core of our Milky Way galaxy. Our beloved Sun is only one star of about 300 billion in our galaxy, all of which are undiscovered and unexplored. Our galaxy is one of a constellation of about 300 billion galaxies in our universe, all of which are undiscovered and unexplored. Indeed our universe may even be only one of an immense number of multiverses that appear and disappear, integrate and disintegrate, expand and contract in seemingly chaotic manner much in the way that bubbles come and go as froth on the surface of the ocean current.

 Opportunity ladder

Given the enormity of all this it would be hubris of the highest order to believe that, in the grand scheme of things, our actions, though important they may seem to us, will change anything that would have inevitably happened to the stars, planets, and galaxies around us. With this portrayal of our infinitesimality I am not advocating to go out and act like lunatics by indiscriminately assaulting, stealing, raping, and killing in the name of insignificance. Rather I am urging everyone to spend more time doing the things you love with all people you love given the limited eye blink of a lifespan we all have been given. For in the end when you are decrepit and laying on your death bed, what will you be thinking about? What regrets will you have in your life that you wished you had done? That girl who you were too shy to approach will never have known you! That book you always wanted to write will never be written! That painting you always wanted to paint will never come into existence! That book you always wanted to read will never get read! That stand up comedy skill you always wanted to develop will never be acquired!


Nobody asked where, when, or how to be born. We all appear here thoroughly by happenstance. However through our actions, morality, and magnanimity we can increase the quality of our respective lives and, for the most part, the environment in which we die. Our destiny is not discovered, it is made! Therefore success is not a matter of coincidence, but a matter of habit. Get busy living your life in such a way that you will be proud to recount stories of your adventures with your grandchildren. For what will you tell them when they ask you, “What did you do when the insolvent, murderous, imperialistic US regime was in its death throes?” Will you tell them you stood quiet, paid your taxes, and obeyed the “laws” of tyrants? I hope you will have a better answer than that.

 Frog choking bird

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

Helen Keller


Just do good things

Price Gouging: The Economic Fallacy Of Emergency Situations

tax per gallon

According to Learn Liberty the term price gouging is defined as “raising prices on certain kinds of goods to an unfair or excessively high level during an emergency.” The phrase itself carries with it quite a pejorative connotation of extorting the consumer by gouging out his wallet. As with most economic fallacies this deception is exposed with a simple logical review of the circumstances surrounding its employment.


The price mechanism, as with all other aspects of Free Market Capitalism, is intimately responsive to the oscillating nature of supply and demand. Constant feedback is necessary between entrepreneur and patron. This is why when “government” takes over a sector of society the result is always shortages, surpluses, and inevitable devastation. By its very artificial monopolistic nature, “government” completely bypasses and ignores the signals of supply/demand that determine the optimal price of a given product. These natural market forces are absolutely corrupted when “government” introduces violence into a previously peaceful equation.

 Investigating Gauging

The signals of supply and demand regarding staples are no more exaggerated than during a natural disaster, national emergency, or in times of war. Human desires are infinite and resources are scarce. It follows that the pricing of items must closely reflect what the people want and the degree to which they want it. A finite item that is in low demand due to relative abundance or during peace time is comparably undesired by the people, therefore one will see lower prices to reflect this. An example of this is gas prices during peace time yielding a low price in the market. A finite item that is in high demand due to relative scarcity or during times of hardship is comparably more desired by the people, therefore one will see higher prices to reflect this. An example of this is gas prices during warfare or after a natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, tornado etc). These higher prices are helpful for the conservation of scarce resources and for their allocation to those who truly need them and who are willing to pay the higher prices. For example price controls on gasoline, as we had after Hurricane Sandy, only served to exhaust the supply to those who bought and hoarded as much gasoline as possible leaving the vast majority without. The result was long lines and disproportionate allocation of gasoline. Higher prices would have solved this as people would only have purchased what they truly needed. They would have been incentivized to conserve gasoline and consume less.


Some people believe that prices are arbitrarily determined by greedy capitalist pigs who can charge whatever price they want and the public is forced to pay. This is a vast over-simplification of reality and of human behavior. Businesses do not exist in a vacuum. They are constantly subjected to the forces of competition as exerted by other businesses in their field and in other fields. This ensures that whatever price one business charges for a product, another business will seek to gain patronage by undercutting them with slightly lower prices or by offering a better quality product. This is true even in an emergency environment and will therefore guarantee that prices for a given item will not be arbitrarily determined by any single business.


In a vain attempt to justify the existence of the self-licking ice cream cone that is “government” there currently are 34 states that have anti-price gouging laws that prohibit the natural raising of prices to reflect the rise in demand. End the strangulation of the small business owner and entrepreneur! Stop believing in the myth known as “government”! Free yourself from delusion and you will know prosperity!

 3 Price crimes

With various people complaining about “price gouging”… economist Walter Williams has coined a new term: “Tax gouging.” But government is never accused of either “greed” or “gouging” — not even when they bulldoze people’s homes in order to turn the land over to businesses that will pay more taxes.

Thomas Sowell


Just do good things

State Manufactured Ebola Hysteria

Snake Charmer Ebola

I did not want to write about Ebola since I typically tend to avoid discussing issues that are plastered all over the lame-stream media however this has simply become inescapable. When discussing anything that the media covers we must always keep a few things in mind. First, the media has degenerated into being a marionette mouthpiece of the political elite’s agenda. Second, in order to assess the accurate threat that Ebola poses to Americans we must have a comprehensive comparison of death tolls from other causes. Third, is the absurd trend of past national security viral threats.


The illusion of unbiased opinion the elimination of contrarian perspectives in the mainstream media can be understood when it is realized that in 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, by 2011 that same 90% is owned by only 6 companies; GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. Furthermore we must understand that we currently live under a Corporate Fascist “government” in which there is a mutual masturbation of “government” subsidizing and bailing out corporate monstrosities and then those monopolistic corporations sending their hordes of lobbyists to bribe politicians through campaign contributions in order to ensure the passage of favorable legislation and barriers to entry that crush the growth of small businesses. Taking this into account the whittling away crushing of smaller businesses that control the media is only natural as State power expands and bloats to gargantuan dimensions. We must realize that when one watches mainstream media we are seeing a fundamentally accurate portrayal of the agenda of the political elite, hence caution must indeed be taken when viewing such nonsense.

Ebola Carriers

I have been told by a few people, “Are you denying that Ebola exists!? There are people dying from Ebola in Africa! We should send money or help them in some way!” I am not denying that Ebola exists. I concede that it does kill people. However before we take any irrationally heroic measures, we must put the death toll into proper perspective. Influenza results in 250,000 – 500,000 deaths annually. Pneumonia results in 1.6 million deaths annually. Stroke results in 140,000 deaths annually. Heart disease results in 380,000 deaths annually. Alcohol abuse results in 75,000 deaths annually. Ebola has resulted in 4500 deaths since last year. Clearly Ebola is the greater threat to the human condition. Aside from the idiocy of the “Ebola threat” sending currency over an ocean to help fight an obscure viral disease is just as inane as sending foreign aid overseas to help the poor of Africa when in fact that currency most often ends up only in the hands of dictators and warlords. Help your neighbor, your family member, or your close friend! That is where our help is needed the most!


Let us count the ways that “government” has used the threat of disease to frighten the populace into compliance of further oppressive legislation; H1N1 (Swine Flu), Mad Cow Disease, Anthrax, Avian Influenza, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and now Ebola. They may be real but they pose about the same threat to our lives as a lightning strike or asteroid. Don’t divert what finite time you have on Earth to worrying about such trivialities. We have enough to worry about in our individual lives such as increasing our skills, keeping our jobs, raising our children, improving our relationships, and loving our families. These are the areas that really matter. This is how you can truly make a difference in the world. Inject more love and passion into the world and you will have done your part to bring about the beautiful world we all desire. Live ever more deeply and love ever more passionately!

 Troops to fight Ebola

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Joseph Goebbels, German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945


Just do good things

We Need Government Like A Man Needs A Tapeworm

government stealing fish

What would the world look like if hard work was rewarded and sociopathy was punished? What would the world look like if savers were rewarded with increased purchasing power? What would the world look like if people and companies paid for their mistakes without passing the devastating cost of their faulty decisions to the taxpayers in the forms of bailouts, protectionist laws, cartelized monopolies, and State subsidies? What would the world look like if children were not imprisoned for 12 years in “government schools” and indoctrinated with State approved propaganda? What would the world look like if parents did not employ the same authoritarian violence known as corporal punishment to “raise” their kids about the world that “government” uses to enforce its threats and commands? What would the world look like if people did not believe they were superior to other people just because of the particular piece of dirt they happened to be born on? What would the world look like if people did not label foreigners defending their land “terrorists”, “religious fundamentalist”, or “radical insurgents”? What would the world look like if people did not label aggressors from one’s own country who invade foreign land as “freedom fighters”, “purveyors of liberty”, or “spreading democracy”? What would the world look like if the potential capital for product innovation and development was not stolen, through regulation and taxation, by thieving bureaucrats?


These are only a few questions in my mind that scrape the surface of the endless ways that humanity’s potential for greatness has been stifled and suppressed by “government”. Now I cannot blame all of this on “government” as that would be an oversight of the highest order. We outnumber our oppressors many times over and we are all human beings capable of deductive reasoning and critical analysis. Therefore if our potential for wondrous things is impeded and asphyxiated we have only ourselves to blame. A few hundred sociopaths cannot conceivably physically subjugate 313 million who resist. It is only possible when the oppressed have forgotten or have accepted their servitude as being self-evident and the natural order of things. When the people believe it is necessary to forfeit 1/3 of their annual income to “government” it will continue to be stolen. When the people continue to believe the “Islamic fundamentalists” hate us for our freedoms the wars will continue to be waged. When the people continue to believe their children are being educated in the indoctrination camps known as “government schools” they will continue to exist.

government spending pig

We need “government” in the same manner that a man needs a tapeworm. The State is a myth conjured by the clever sociopaths over the obedient and gullible. Some say “But without the State who would build the roads, protect us from foreign invaders, educate our children, mail pieces of paper, print pieces of paper to be used as currency etc?” The answer to this lies in each of us. We need to stop looking to the mythical patriarchal entity known as “government” to solve our problems and instead look to our community, each other, and ourselves. It might have been similarly asked of the abolitionist of the early 19th century, “But without the slaves, who will pick the cotton?” We will of course!


Society’s needs comes before the individual’s needs.

Adolf Hitler


We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.

Hillary Clinton


Just do good things