The Truth About the Fort Hood Shooting

Stefan Molyneux presents a powerful argument for the recent Fort Hood shooting in Texas and its relationship to SSRI dependency. For many decades there have been guns available for the general populace to purchase, yet only in the last 2 decades have we really begun to see a rapid rise in the frequency of school shootings, mall shootings, military base shootings, university shootings etc. Could this correlate with the rise in the availability and use of mind altering psychotropic drugs? The questionable profession of Western Psychiatry of the 19th century has brought with it inhumane mental asylums replete with filthy cages and methods of torture that would make modern day prisons seem innocuous. The 20th century brought the atrocities of electro-convulsive therapy and physical lobotomy including the traveling lobotomobile popularized by Dr. Walter Freeman wherein he would travel from town to town performing lobotomies on patients with an ice pick. Vicious as these therapies may seem they pale in comparison to the chemical lobotomies achieved with powerful mind altering psychotropic drugs known as anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and SSRIs. “Thirty years agoHenry Gadsden, the head of Merckone of the world’s largest drug companies, told Fortune magazine that he wanted Merck to be more like chewing gum maker Wrigley’s.” Today the US is by far the largest consumer of psychotropic drugs and that demographic is only worsening.

Combine this with the US being in possession of the largest military-industrial complex, largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in history, with 900 military occupations in 130 countries, and being in perpetual warfare since World War II the insanity of the situation may be appreciated. Our soldiers are repeatedly told to go overseas to maim, subjugate, and mercilessly kill because it is patriotic and it serves our country. Then when they come home broken hearted and disillusioned the very society they were taught to kill for turns their collective backs on them in twisted irony. Poverty, homelessness, and joblessness run rampant among veterans as it is now illegal in many states to feed or help the homeless in any way. What a smashing success the War on Poverty has been!

If you want to help the poor abolish the War on Poor People by ceasing your belief, support, and participation in “government”! If you want to help would-be soldiers, veterans and foreign victims and end perpetual warfare, imperialism, and genocide abolish the War on Terror by ceasing belief, support, and participation in “government”! If you want to help drug addicts and prevent the crime and gang violence that is engendered in the Black Market abolish the War on Drug Addicts by ceasing your belief, support, and participation in “government”! We Voluntaryists do not promise Utopia or a paradise on Earth because, State or no State, there will always be criminals and people willing to do you harm. The idea is not to idolize these sociopaths, give them the throne of power, unflinching obedience, and the means to carry their megalomaniacal whims to fruition.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

Albert Einstein


Just do good things

Child Protective Services Whistleblower Carlos Morales

Here is a fascinating look into the dark underworld of Child Protective Services (CPS) by whistleblower and Voluntaryist Carlos Morales. In order to sic the rabid dogs of the CPS on alleged “negligent/abusive parents” and permanently destroy their family structure all that is required is an anonymous phone call by a misguided Statist. Negligence includes homeschooling their children among other things. Abuse includes marijuana use by the parents, leaving one’s child outside alone for 3-4 hours, one’s child being too thin or too fat etc. Rarely does “abuse”, resulting in violent separation of children from their parents, constitute true physical or sexual abuse.

CPS kidnapped

The CPS investigators themselves, despite having the power to rip apart the entire family structure and destroy the lives of healthy children, are only required to possess a Bachelor’s Degree in ANYTHING and must complete a simple 2 month training course prior to beginning. Once the anonymous call is made the CPS dogs are deployed to places where children are already physically separated from their parents, such as government schools, after which they bring them into a secluded room, ask them leading questions intending to fabricate the “evidence” needed for separation, and record the entire conversation. The formula is foolproof and often achieves its desired goal. Once in the State orphanages, the children are more likely to be abused (physically, emotionally, and sexually), more likely to get diagnosed with a multitude of psychiatric disorders requiring the administration of several powerful anti-psychotic drugs, and more likely to die while there.


This level of abuse is many magnitudes times worse than the majority of so called “abusive” households. This is the sort of reckless and unaccountable behavior that results from giving a “government” agency the power over the lives and future of children. Once the State assumes control over a sector of society and funds it with extorted currency obtained at the point of a gun, all accountability and decency is lost. Without the humanizing element of competition relentlessly driving a business towards perfection, it will necessarily degenerate into decrepit irrelevancy as it becomes eclipsed by all other freely developing businesses. Child protection and the prevention of child abuse are no different. The State is the stagnating force that corrupts all things wondrous and beautiful!



There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.

Mahatma Gandhi


Just do good things

History of Europe – 6013 years in 3 minutes

Here is the evolution of European nation states over the course of 5600 years compressed into 3 minutes. What must be understood here is the enormous bloodshed and massacre that is trivially represented in these shifting arbitrary lines and colors. These are the dark truths that are left unspoken or flippantly mentioned in government history class. The wholesale slaughter and massacre of our brothers and sisters is hardly a trivial topic. Rather it is a monumental tragedy wholly deserving of our attention and study. Recognize the State as the illegitimate child of sociopaths deviously foisted onto the backs of the industrious! We need the State like a human being needs a tapeworm!

People Flowers

Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people’s countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood of his hands and works for “the universal brotherhood of man”- with his mouth.

Mark Twain, “The Lowest Animal”

Just do good things.

What’s So Bad About Nazis?

Can you name something inherently bad about the Nazis that does not apply to your own “government” regardless of where you live? This also applies to Stalin’s Soviet Russia, Mao’s Red China, Mussolini’s Fascist Italy, Ceausescu’s Communist Romania, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia and any other form of collectivism you can imagine. None of the barbaric mass murders that occurred under their rule was revealed to the public when they were “running” for office. The fact of the matter is most of these tyrants, if not all, were democratically elected by the general populace and served in a form of government known as a “Republic” with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that “limited” their authority. Does this sound familiar? How then did all these horrific atrocities we read about in the history books occur? Did they just not follow their Constitution correctly? Or could it be that paper documents have NEVER proven to restrain the wills of sociopathic megalomaniacs? Do not put your faith in paper money or paper constitutions! One will destroy your liberties and the other will destroy your wealth! It is not that some classes are fit to rule. No class is fit to rule!

Uncle Sam TV



“Naturally the common people don’t want war. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Hermann Goering, Hitler’s designated successor, the second man in the Third Reich


Just do good things

The Truth About Taxes and 401K Confiscation

A) The Truth About Taxes

Well two days ago was “Pay off your Federal Mafia” Day!  We should all give thanks to the federal “government” for the excellent service that we all enjoy including laissez faire business interactions, thriving economy, voluntary association, solid free market money, and abundant individual freedom. Then I woke up.

This scathing Stefan Molyneux video puts the mafia style theft that is taxation into perspective. People don’t pay taxes because it will fund the building of roads, bridges, and tunnels. People pay taxes because if they didn’t they would have armed thugs arrive at their doorstep and threaten them with guns for not paying the federal mafia. Get past all the rosy thinking and see taxation for what it is; extortion and theft. Do that and you will begin to see the “government” for what it; the resident band of thieves, liars, and murderers who claim the authority to rule over every aspect of your life. This is only allowed because the sleeping giant allows it to happen. Once enough people wake up, watch out! Things will rapidly change!


B) The Goal is Happiness

Even though to Statists we may outwardly seem like the pessimistic negative types who incessantly criticize the status quo and those in power for the sake of being contrarians, as Voluntaryists we must always keep in mind our gentle goals and assert that peace, love, and freedom are mutually inclusive concepts. We do not simply want freedom for ourselves but also for our fellow man. Freedom is the natural state of man, unfettered and unencumbered.

Every other political message, through its use of “government” to solve our problems, is vying for the power to wield the gun and which way to point it. The Voluntaryist message is “Please put the gun down. Human civilization has evolved for millennia and has produced many beautiful and wondrous things in its wake. Why do we still adamantly cling to this ancient and outdated institution?” When we embrace the Non-Aggression principle, Property Rights, and Self-ownership with those around us we are moral and decent human beings. When we apply this to the whole of humanity we become Voluntaryists.

C) The 401K Scheme – The Government to Confiscate

Putting your hard earned currency in a 401K account is one of those oft repeated mantras that we all hear from government school teachers, family, close friends, co-workers etc. They all blindly say “You have to save for your retirement. Make your money work for you. How are you going to survive when you are 80 years and cannot work like you used to?” This presupposes four erroneous notions. The first is that taxes will be the same as how they are now; the second is that investing in wealthy hedge funds and Wall Street, of which one is most likely entirely ignorant of, will benefit the individual in any way; the third is a fundamental misunderstanding of the difference between currency and money; the fourth is that bankrupt governments are trustworthy enough to leave the retirement accounts of the people untouched.


  1. As taxes and laws will always increase as is necessary to support a growing welfare/warfare State having anything be tax deferred does one no good. This is practice is not only delaying the inevitable but worsening the painful tax hit when it must be withdrawn.
  2. To give Wall Street and the SIFI banks even more of our currency to play with and gamble we are sending the message “Go ahead! Bet it! We trust you!” Does this make sense in a post 2008 bail out world? The logic is “If the poor make a mistake they must pay for it; if the wealthy lobbying special interest groups make a mistake the poor must pay for it.” The struggling middle class pay regardless.
  3. Currency must be divisible, portable, fungible, and durable. Money must be all these things as well as a store of value. That is it must increase in value with time. If you save in counterfeit confetti paper trash do not be surprised when your life savings is inflated away to worthlessness by rapacious “governments”.
  4. Your wealth is your time and your freedom! Keep it out of the financial system as much as possible! Own things that the Federal Reserve cannot print such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, diamonds, precious stones, Bitcoin, and cash flow real estate!

Just do good things.