The College Attendance Bubble

College debt in training

Growing up in our Statist society we were all exposed to the mantra “Get good grades in school so you can go to a good college/university. Get good grades in your college/university so you can get a degree and get your dream job. Then you will live happily ever after.” It’s also nice to believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny however at some point we must snap out of it and grow up.


Tertiary education never guaranteed anything except a waste of years and, for most, an outrageous student loan debt to service for decades. To send a young adult into the workforce already in debt slavery and then say “Well if you didn’t go to a university it could have been worse.” is demonstrating a special brand of sadism. Statistically speaking approximately 70% of tertiary education graduates do not get a job in their field of study. Rather they end up in jobs that require no degrees of any kind, such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Burger King, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Taco Bell, Wendy’s etc. This is not to demean these jobs as they do provide those with little skills a means to gain useful skills in order to later get a higher paying job down the road. However for one to have obtained a 4-year degree or 6 year degree to later concede to getting such a job is an absolute admittance of failure in every respect.

 Watch your step college cost

A piece of paper is just as worthless as currency, as a Constitution, and as a degree. In all cases it leaves the holder believing he has something tangible and real. In all cases it leads to utter disappointment and dejection. A college/university degree is simply a piece of paper that signifies the successful obedience of one’s professors. If, in order to learn something, you need to pay, or more often borrow, thousands of Federal Reserve Notes for an old man to be reading to you from a textbook, this is not a favorable reflection of your self-motivation, drive, and capacity for learning.


The emergence of the internet completely revolutionized how we acquire information. When the limit to one’s knowledge is the creativity one may employ in the Google search bar, the uncomfortable possibility may have been realized that the ancient bricks and mortar institutions we used to conflate with knowledge have been rendered irrelevant and obsolete. Do not be among the legion that still clings to an archaic ideology.

Obama pick pocket

A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.

Shelby Foote


Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you.

John Green 



Just do good things

The Rise Of Digital Currency

Bitcoin black market alley

I would argue the relevance of Bitcoin, and other crypto-currencies, to be massive. Although it is true that money is simply a commodity that facilitates trade between two parties, it is a rather vital commodity nevertheless. Therefore it’s hijacking by “government” and Central Bankers, sends a ripple of corruption that reverberates down the various levels of the economy. It is felt by all because money/currency is the life blood that circulates throughout the arteries of the land. The word currency implies its necessity for incessant movement similar to that of the current in a body of water; always fluid, always in motion. When it stagnates by artificial dams, the result is flooding and drought. When currency is artificially impeded or diverted by currency manipulation, currency creation, Quantitative Easing, price, controls, wage controls, rent controls, interest rate meddling etc. the result is exacerbated poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and privation.

This has been occurring in steadily increasing degrees since the Federal Reserve commandeered the currency supply in 1913. For a long time there was very little one could do to protect oneself aside from trading directly in cash and saving in tangible assets such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, diamonds, precious stones, collectible art work etc. With the emergence of Bitcoin all this changed. For the first time a trading network became possible that existed entirely outside of the financial sector. This allowed consumers to trade with each other directly rather than through a third party such as a bank, financial institution, credit card, or PayPal. This truly changed the game permanently. The people were back in control of their money to the absolute exclusion of “government”.

Monopoly BitcoinsNow one may claim that “Bitcoins are worthless digits with no intrinsic value.” however the market speaks differently. The power and value of Bitcoin can only come from the people willingly adopting it for use in trade. Other than for monetary transactions Bitcoin has no other uses, unlike gold/silver which are useful as jewelry, hygiene, electronics, solar panels, windows, thermal conduction, heat conduction, electrical conduction, water filtration, antimicrobial, internal organ tonic etc. Therefore the fact that it required 10,000 Bitcoins to purchase a pizza pie in 2010 and in November 2013 the value of one Bitcoin equaled the price of one ounce of gold is phenomenal indeed. Nobody could have possibly predicted such a meteoric rise. This could only be possible by willing people voluntarily using it in trade and businesses voluntarily accepting it as payment. Out of the black market is born a digital beauty!

Beggar holding a 'will work for bitcoin' sign.

I really like Bitcoin. I own Bitcoins. It’s a store of value, a distributed ledger. It’s a great place to put assets, especially in places like Argentina with 40 percent inflation, where $1 today is worth 60 cents in a year, and a government’s currency does not hold value. It’s also a good investment vehicle if you have an appetite for risk. But it won’t be a currency until volatility slows down.

David Marcus, CEO of Paypal

Just do good things

Man Made Law Is An Opinion Backed By A Gun

Cloak of Secrecy

When the concepts of Anarchy are explained to a Statist, a common argument is “But without rules and a government to enforce them there would be chaos, mayhem, death, and destruction!” This argument is rooted in two beliefs; first if “government” were to vanish tomorrow we would all be stealing, assaulting, raping, and murdering each other and second that the fundamental core of human nature is evil and blood thirsty.

The first thing we must keep in mind is that “laws” do not EVER prevent anything! If that were true then drug prohibition laws would completely eliminate drug use, drunk-driving laws would completely eliminate drunk driving, rape laws would completely eliminate rape, infidelity laws would completely eliminate infidelity, murder laws would completely eliminate murder etc. Since we know this isn’t the case we must conclude the existence of “laws” to be wholly useless. In the case of substances, when something is banned it does not decrease its availability or use whatsoever; in fact it increases it. This is due to the undeniable fact that when human beings have a desire for something, regardless of what “laws” are in place they will obtain that thing by whatever means necessary. As a result such prohibition “laws” only bring about the creation of black markets that function to deliver the banned product to an eager clientele. Black markets inevitably bring about a spike in the prices of the banned product. This is due to the many risks, bribes, and covert transportation such an enterprising entrepreneur must make to ensure the treacherous delivery of said product to his customers. All this results in higher prices for the consumers who nevertheless are willing to bear the cost, for without them there would be no market.

 raw milk labyrinth

The second thing is that erroneous notion that human nature is fundamentally evil and bloodthirsty. If this were true how is it that we are able to have peaceful relationships with friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and family? Since “laws” never prevent any wrongdoing how is it possible that we maintain these thoroughly anarchic relationships? Government did not approve or authorize them therefore they would theoretically be impossible.

Understand that the existence of “laws” do nothing but harm the truly moral people at the expense of the immoral. Gun laws only disarm the moral people whilst leaving them genuinely defenseless against the immoral thieves and crooks who don’t care about murder laws, let alone gun laws. Tyrants who seek to subjugate you with arbitrary “laws” deserve only your ire and fury. Disobedience to the whimsical dictates of tyrants is obedience to your own moral compass. You own your body! You are your own master!

file sharing crime

The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.

Lao Tzu


Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.


Just do good things

The Evolution of a Sociopath

Screw people

If we start with a Stateless society, where will the minority of sociopaths go to carry out their devious plots of fraud, theft, assault, and murder? Since there is no governing body, per se, whereof to infiltrate and assume control, they will necessarily have to do the evil deeds themselves. They will inevitably discover that doing evil things results in a difficulty of making friends and engaging in trade with other people, since people talk and word will get out of the presence of a sociopath. They will necessarily be ostracized by society, as is one useful non-violent method of dealing with sociopaths in a truly civilized society.

If he determines that acting alone to be too dangerous and frightening he may join with other sociopaths to form a gang or mafia. Acting as a group they can subjugate small villages or communities and intimidate them into obedience by their threats of violence. They would then be able to live, as a parasite, off the productivity of the industrious in such communities. They may kill the strongest members in the group for the purposes of striking fear into the rest but they would not eliminate the majority of the inhabitants, for that would substantially decrease the number of producers that would provide for their subsistence. The violence associated with the rule of gangs and mafias is common knowledge and is therefore openly recognized.

Game of Thrones

If, however, such a sociopath exists in a society already ruled by the monopoly on violence known as “government” there appears a plethora of available options for our sociopath to choose from which will significantly reduce his exposure to danger whilst committing his evil deeds. This is regardless of the fact that when he chooses to join the “public sector” he will be in the company of his fellow sociopathic kin who all know and understand that to join the ranks of “government” is to have access and use of the biggest and most powerful gun in the room. The State, through its use of the military and police is the largest indisputable mafia of the land. Make no mistake about it!

Although the old twisted sociopathic men rule “government”, they do not carry out the violent dirty work. It is faithfully carried out by previously decent men and women whose minds have been corrupted by the belief that what they are serving is something other than an institutionalized monopoly on violence and getting paid in currency that is anything other than something stolen from the industrious. If you are a “government employee” I strongly urge you re-examine your role in society and how you think your “job” is really benefiting society. A murderer at the reins of power is still just a murderer regardless of the title he flaunts or the expensive garb he brandishes. Such superficialities do not change acts of immorality.

church confessional

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong, which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

Frederick Douglass

Just do good things

Minarchist Questions Answered

Limited Government Skeleton

Excellent questions! These are the sorts of questions that Minarchists have who are on their way to becoming true Voluntaryists or Anarchists. There is much literature I can refer you to that answers these questions in exquisite detail for you, but I will give it my best shot. By the way this is only one description of a Voluntaryist society. There are of course infinite possibilities since human desires are infinite. If anybody would like to correct some of my statements please feel free to do so. I do not consider myself an expert in these subjects.

“What I don’t get about anarchism is that if everyone just looked after themselves would there be no more jails?”

No everything would basically be the same minus the monopoly on violence commonly referred to as “government”. Everything would be privately owned which would necessarily increase productivity and ensure the efficient allocation of resources with very little waste. This is the essence of true Capitalism where the profit incentive and competition ensures an increasing quality of products with decreasing costs to the consumer.

Jails would still exist if there was a desire from the people to pay for them if they deem them to be necessary. Prisons are among a vast array of special interest groups that only survives due to federal and state subsidies. They may very well collapse and vanish when  that steady flow of stolen taxpayer money vanishes.

“Who would stop criminals? What would punishment be?”

It goes without saying that the present corrupt “criminal justice” system would be vastly different in a Voluntary society. One real life antithesis to this is the private security agencies. There are 3 times as many people employed in private security agencies than there are in the police departments. Why, then, are instances of brutality, wrongful home invasions, accidental breaking of arms and deaths only heard of perpetrated by the “government” monopoly on law enforcement known as the police? Within a private security agency there is much incentive to actually please the customer and ensure his happiness, or they risk unemployment and bankruptcy through customers patronizing other private security agencies. Through “government” police no such incentive is present. They do not have to please the people because the people are not voluntarily paying their salaries. Their salaries are guaranteed by the State. This artificial environment attracts mostly those who thrive off of this position of power. Therefore the true criminals are usually wearing the uniforms, rather than the ones who end up in handcuffs.

Again the court system would vastly different in a Voluntary society. They would likely be private courts that would, again, be subject the immutable laws of competition and customer satisfaction. There is much speculation as to how they would work. Suffice it to say, they would be much more equitable just that those we are familiar with today.

 Minarchist Surgeon

“Would we not use money anymore and rely strictly on a barter system?”

That is difficult to predict, however I think it can be safely said that whatever is used as money will be an excellent store of value rather than the depreciating fiat toilet paper trash we use today. Did you know that before the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 prices were actually falling? I think we will definitely be using money in a Voluntary society since it is a significant improvement to the many drawbacks of the barter system. Money is simply a commodity used to make trade more convenient and easy. It is nothing special that requires any kind of force or violence. Like everything else, it is best when it functions in complete freedom.

 “How come in parts of Africa where there is no government control you have child army’s strapped with ak47’s?”

Yes here is the “Move to Somalia if you want Anarchy!” argument. There are reams of articles and videos demonstrating that military dictatorships present in these backward African countries are anything but true Voluntary Anarchy. It is anarchy in the sense that there was a violent overthrow of the existing regime however these usually only result in the installation of another military regime to take its place. It is not Voluntary Anarchy in the sense of free and peaceful people engaging in voluntary interactions and trade. You can get a seemingly atheistic environment by murdering all the priests in the world, but is that the same as the people truly understanding how religion can be used as a tool to exploit humanity and therefore make the intellectual advancements towards atheism?

“What would stop people from having their own personal armies here?”

First of all in a Voluntary society most people would likely be armed to the teeth for the purposes of defending their family and property. If they wanted to gather together to form militias that is very likely as well but I wouldn’t really call that “personal armies” in the sense that we know them today.

Minarchist Excuses

“I just don’t understand how a system without a government would work? As much as I hate the government we have right now I just don’t understand how it would work without any government at all?”

I do not think it is necessary for one to understand how such a Voluntary society would work. Do you prefer rape or consensual sex? Do you prefer theft or working as a means to obtain money? If you can understand the difference between these, than understanding how unnecessary and damaging the belief in “government” is to the general well being of humanity should be easy enough. Remember “government” knows only force and violence to solve its problems since it is itself a monopoly on force and violence. To those who lived in the time of chain slavery. Mentioning that a life would be possible without it would often be met with questions such as “But without slaves who would pick the cotton?” Now it is self-evident to us how evil chain slavery is. I hope that in a few decades hence we will similarly look back at this moment in time and wonder “How could those brutes have lived under such a barbaric institution and call that civilization?”